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Hello gents!

I finished up a simple animations (sorry it's not as complex as I would have maybe liked it) for the meeting Emma but I need a picture inbetween this one and the previous animation before I put it in the Meeting Emma thing. This animations and 2-3 more pics should be added into the Meeting Emma thing and uploaded next wednesday. Animating liquid is quite difficult, mainly cause I'm not very experiensed in this area but we improve as we move forwad, I will have to learn a bit more for the next animation which has something like this!

I also included 2 scraps, one of Toph from avatar and one of rick and lin, both colored. The Toph picture wasn't to far from finished to I just added a bit more color on it and decided to post it now. I've had the lines finished for quite some time Probably 2-3 months but kinda forgot/lost interest in it, well here it is anyway! That's about it for now, stay awesome!

Archive for comics things:
password: mixedstuff52

Notice! Check older 'Meeting Emma' posts to download 'Meeting Emma'. 
