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Hello gents!

Just a short info update. I'm currently working on the animation for the next update and will have to import it and work in out in tyranobuilder so the content update will be next wednesday! I'm thinking about adding in some sounds aswell, I'm not sure, maybe some music but I haven't decided yet, these are probably things I will add in once the base storyline is finished.

Nothing else to add for now, stay awesome!


Archive for comics things:
password: comicthings32

Notice! since this is a info update only check older 'Meeting Emma' posts to download 'Meeting Emma'.



Remember that the best way to add more music is using free music to acid any issues. Thanks for the update


yeah, there will be sounds and music with user rights that are for public use if I go for that : )


Alrightie then, next week's sounds like something to look forward to!


wrong password


Hiya, if the password dosn't work you can always find the most recent one of the most recent posts, check this post <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/meeting-emma-7204516">https://www.patreon.com/posts/meeting-emma-7204516</a> thanks!