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Here are two wips i figured i would post, first is one of the flavor of the months chosen, Rita: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/186/1/2/temp3_by_shiin_s-d7pdbg4.jpg And secondly part 3 sakura/raikage: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/186/d/f/temp1_by_shiin_s-d7pdbi7.jpg Second flavor of the month will be tayoya in her cursed seal form for which will be fun to try, I imagine the horns can be used for handles :D Will probably start skeching on that one tommorow. Stay awesome and leave a comment ^^



WIP Rita = nice, haven't seen her in a while WIP Sakura = really nice, love that position and that her ass is getting pounded Tayuya announcement = *gasps loudly* yes! tayuya is one of my favourite characters, can't wait for her ass to get pounded!


Lookin pretty good, both of them, I can see Raikage doing "the Rick" which is also nice. Great work, cant wait to see the completed one (and the Tayuya as well)


The rick indeed :D almost finished the lineart on the rita pic, need to improve my lineart >_<


hehe I'm sure we will be able to manage a proper buttpounding for tayuya :D


awesome stuff and happy that this is jumping off for ya, I was wondering if you're planning on any pussy penetration art.


Thank you very much, and glad to have you onboard aswell! yeah I should do some of that to mix it up a bit i guess ^_^ perhaps some oc stuff, possible emma or lin maybe, hm, there are many options!


looking good so far man


Hehe, don't see tayuya everyday! looking forward to it! especially like the rita image!


thanks you ^^ Might finish the rita one up tonight!


I agreed to pay 5 dollars, but I haven't seen the sakura raikage pictures.


To take part of rewards (such as the sakura pictures) you will have to be have been a patron for the most recent pledge. The 5 dollars you have pledged isn't processed by patreon till the end of the month (out of my hands, sorry). So you haven't paid anything yet, if that's the single reason you signed up you can always withdraw your pledge and you will owe nothing. Hope my rambling makes sence, its all on my patron page : )


In that case, you said the Sakura/Raikage pictures would be up in a month. Gimme a date?


what drives a man to do anything? what's is you point/question?


Reasons, right? So why do you draw hentai/sexy pictures, then?


because I enjoy doing so. I am however not here to answer random questions. thank you.


As long as you drawing a sakura with that beautiful ass, rest assured my ten dollars. I would move to my payment just to have these pictures. I love sakura x3


There will be some form of advance payment?, To have access to pictures of sakura?, Just because you won them my love and if you draw it and ino one where they are, you won my loyalty xD


Haha, Sakura and Raikage part 3 looks fun :D