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Hey guys! Here's something im working on http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/181/5/2/temp3_by_shiin_s-d7oo5ry.jpg Not sure how he got her in to bed again ^^ havent decided background/setting yet. Might have to give her a character sheet (and a name! feel free to suggest one!) later if i will do more stuff with her. I decided that the first comic i will work on is an elizabeth and john comic, have started sketching a little on the first page. This will hopefully be the first of many comics : ) but as I have said, they take time so be patient ^^ Still waiting for patron to no be so slow with their payment thingy, but this is the first month so i have no idea how this really works ^^ Stay awesome guys!



maybe he inherited a anthro farm? She looks like a Wendy.


she does have a bit of a wendy look ^^ But I'm not sure why they would be at an anthro farm : )


Shiin, sakura images and raikage will be posted on patreon when? I'm anxious to see these images. ^ ^


Wendy sounds like a nice name. An anthro farm sounds weird and out of place, I thought she'd just be another slightly mutated person like Rick. This pic is looking good, and take all the time you need with Elizabeth and John, I'm looking forward to that too :D


Wendy sounds good


Wendy sounds pretty good, along with Peggy, and I also like more the idea of a slighthy mutated person, since it's go along with Velvet city lore.


Also as for the bed, she has experienced "The Rick" before, so we could assume the either has taken precautions or buy cheap beds ;)


i only thought of Antrho's because of the animal like features, just the way my brain thinks lol. Also i thought about Peggy too, but thought Wendy because of the haircut.


I'm sketching on the second page ^^ but there will be linework and color to, witch will take longer! o_o and im not sure how many pages there will be, im a bad planer i guess :D