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Hello gents

I started working on the raven beast boy thing and realized soon that spliting it up into two part would probably be better. Here is part one, bit of a tease I suppose!

I underestimate how long these picture with several panels will take so I felt I had to rush it a bit which I don't like, I would have preferred to shade it a bit and things like that but I think it came out okay! I will have to plan better I do these several panel things on limited time even if they are simpler ones. Anyway, part 2 will be posted either monday or next friday depending on, well, just what I feel like drawing for monday : )

A headsup for those who like to view the pictures on tumblr, I will be changing up passwords on monday but as always they will be available in the most recent post. Have a good weekend, stay awesome!





password: donger77




Ok looking good, life is pretty unexpected so no worry, is a pretty sexy result and a dayum Raven ass, great work, stay awesome and good luck on planning, we will look forward the 2nd part


This is a great setup. Don't be too hard on yourself man, it turned out great. Can't wait to see the follow up!


I doubt anyone's going to be upset that this is a two-parter, but I admit I'm more looking forward to seeing that next part! Have a good weekend yourself, and stay awesome :)


Hey, nice to know! looks good, an two parters do have more singular energy. still looks nice. an who dosn't love a raven bubble butt?


I think July 4th is Monday so you should totally make one of your girls be in a tiny American flag bikini cuz well ya merica! LOL this is great though shiin excited to see the next part! :)


thanks : ) It is, that I know, you just have to try to make the best out of it : ) you to man!


Thank you, well as long as people like it I guess I shouldn't complain ^^


I think it would have been to much to just put into one or two panels, I guess no one here minds her having that ^^


Oh man, I totally missed that, that would explain some american flags and stuff I've seen in post just scrolling by :D I always manage to miss these things, I'm awful! But glad you like it!


Why can not watch


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