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Hello guys

I've been thinking quite a bit the previous couple of weeks and I do believe I need a bit of a break from my current daily routine. It's getting a bit lonely working from home and having little interaction with people and it's affecting me in a negative way. One of my friends has offered me to help him out working for his company starting middle of december and I will take him up on his offer and a least try it out for a couple of months. I'll be working some from home but also going to the office, sorta speak.

Now that said I will still be drawing! But there will be less content and no set time for updates since some weeks I'll have more energy and some weeks I'll have less energy. I'm going to create a new tier, perhaps a 3 dollar tier or around that number where I will be posting everything i draw, polls, highres pics, sketches and anything else. This tier will be going online in December, updates will go on as usual in november. I'm also focusing on helping my grandma since the accident so having no work early december and less drawing I need to do will probably be needed for things to line up properly.

Perhaps I'll just go back to drawing being my main focus again in a couple of months but I will decide that when I see how things go and how i feel! Apologies for the short notice on this one but I figured I would make the decision on what to do before I made a post about it. Anyways I'll make another post when we are nearing the end of this month with info on the new tier and such.
If someone just joined and wish to have a refund for some reason due to this change just throw me a DM. Stay awesome!

Stay awesome!




Alright then, I hope these changes work positively for you. Stay awesome!


You should first look for you Shiin, hope this change help you in the best way possible, stay awesome!

Andrew Donohue

That's cool shiin life comes first. Just wondering for the rest of this month will you still have updates on Friday


Hope this works out for you!


Do whatever is best for you, good sir.


Do what you have to do we will be here

Connor Stevens

Mental health is important

The Flur

You do what you gotta to keep your mental state good man thank you for the heads up 😌


Hey Shiin, its good to try new stuff since you have been doing this for quite some time which i think must have been amazing for you, but doing something for so long with a defined schedule can lead to a lot of stress when you are out of ideas and also to an eventual burnout and that honestly sucks, hope this new opportunity for you is amazing and lets you "breathe" and that you enjoy it a lot! Best of luck to you!

Petter Wäss

If it will improve your mental health then I'm happy for you.


Indeed, those are some factors that made me take this step! and thanks!