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summer is here and john managed to find some of his old swimtrunks http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/167/6/4/temp1_by_shiin_s-d7mm78m.jpg Got work comming up so probably no updates for 2 days at least, so i wanted to upload something : ) Still need to add, maybe some people in the bakground, color, dialogue etc



Thanks for the image, looks promising, and good luck with the work


Hehe, I'm sorry to hear about the work, I hope it goes well for you. Emma's meeting with John is looking good, funny, and it's great seeing Emma's body. I'm lookin forward to seeing the finished pic. Stay cool man :)


Thanks! I'll manage, hopefully i can get back to drawing tommorow night ^^


thank you! I wanted to display her big jiggling ass ^^ you stay cool to my friend!