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Hello gents

Here is an Ace and Gabriella pic, a benefactor request! I also made a bit of a bonus pic with Rita, I added the colors pretty quickly and kept it basic but I think it still turned out pretty okay! Check it you!

I have started looking at the suggestion for a poll and there are  some good ones. I'm thinking I'll actually just link people to the post and then you can click like on the suggestions you like (the little heart under the comment), vote that way and I'll pic one with the most votes. This means a bit more to read if you want to vote but also that you can vote on anything suggested instead of just a couple I pick! So go do that, let's see if it works or just ends up being a big mess :D Go here -> https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-ideas-but-5753525

Stay awesome!





password: donger77




Pretty cool sequel, i like Rita Attitude and the ass pounded, i like how her ass is so big that we cannot do a full thrust in that position, indeed let check the poll, great going, stay awesome


Great job on the pic, Shiin!


Nice update, Rita is still looking nice in that top and Gabriela's looking good with her curves on display and getting creamed. I'm not sure how this vote will go, especially when some posts have multiple ideas and you can only heart the post as a whole, but I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of it. Stay awesome Shiin :)


Thanks, yeah can't get all the way in, ass to fat ^^


thank you, yeah I'm not sure about the voting system either with multiple suggstions in one post etc, I will try to structure it better in next poll and you have to have one idea per comment or something : )