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Hello gents

Not really a content update today as much as an info and idea update, I have started to sketch around and figure out  ideas for the interactive comic. I attached a picture of our probably unnamed protagnoist btw. I think he will only be title 'you' when talking, like (Emma: hi, you: hello) that sort of thing. I tried fiding a way to make a person fill in a name at start of the novel and it will carry through the comic but that seems to need some coding (I'm using Tyranobuilder) and I'm not good at all with that : )

I was considering doing a first person POV, but I changed my mind on that and I know some people prefer third person. And we want to be able to view the action from different angles etc. Still there will be first person POV in it, I seen no reason not to have that in some scenes, frames, panels, whatever you call it : )

I read the ideas in the last thread and somehow it sparked an unrelated idea, I thought of the old alexia comic. I figured the start of this comic would be Emma has snuck in somewhere to take a bath in a pool where she isn't technically allowed. Our main protagonist hides away her clothin and then busts her in the act, she realises her clothing is gone and don't want to leave the pool, maybe he will not tell anyone she snuck in, they make a deal or something like that, or perhaps he offers to just join her telling her sneaking in her isn't to big of a deal etc. Here dialogue options could be a thing and so on : )

I'm not sure where to put the pool, could be on a rooftop, a neighbours pool, in somekind of gym that's supposed to be private or closed atm. Could be a any place really, I'll think of it and keep an open mind for now : )

I'm hoping to have some content next wednesday to show  how it will look, give you an idea, but I'm a bit uncertain about how long it will take since I'm not to experienced with this kind of thing! Might be that updates are a little more random when I do this but at least once a week I will give info how it's going and possible content. Let's see what happens! It was suggested that I make a poll of options when it comes to dialogue and things like that so I might to that. This thing will not be color, but In the future a full color thing would be cool making if this takes of and people like this kind of visual comic/novel, whatever we call it.

Well, that's enough text for now I suppose, stay awesome!





Sounds cool, i love the rooftop idea as is pretty sexy, but lets be fair for our teacher it works better something like the new gym pool, that is still no open to anyone and she decided to use. I am sure that coding the name should not be that hard, looking good, looking forward the next update


Sounds good also for me. I agree that the rooftop pool is nice, but it reminds me a bit too much of the Naruto series. I vouch for a new gymn pool or a neighbor's pool.


This sounds awesome! I think the idea of the pool being inside a gym works best. Maybe it's late at at night and she thinks everybody has left. It also leaves the option to go other places in the gym. A sauna scene, locker room, showers, or maybe even on exercise equipment. You could make it so you can travel around to the different areas and perform different sex acts in different places...


Love it! looking forward. seems to strike a great balance of ease and suggestion. gym pool does open up saunas, equipment, things like that.


I think the pool gym idea sounds good. I like the idea of him joining her more, but that might be taking too much from that old Alexia comic, hm.


Also, having looked at "The Guy" I do like what you went with, although I am sure little details might change. Has the huge all around Velvet City cock and all rather than a "gimmick" one like Rigar or some of the others. nice! Perhaps, since there will likely be a number of rounds, he's noted for haveing exceptionally large balls?


Why not add a nice animation scene ? Be nice to see Emma's ass jiggles from getting destroyed from behind.


thanks, yeah I think the gym is where we are going since it will give options to go to other places to : )


Yeah gym it is, since it will give us more options where they could go etc : )


Yeah I will take your advice on this, so many other places to go to, perhaps our main protagnoist is a late night cleaner or owners son, something like that : )


Everyone seem to like the gym pool and I do to, which is good ^^ a gym will open up to other places to so, it's all good


Yeah I wanted him to just be the all around big guy, I hadn't planed on any bigger balls but maybe has been saving up for Emma ^^


I have planed to add some animation in there, I'm not sure how timeconsuming it will with animations, I'm not sure if it will be one or ten for now: )