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Hello gents!

Page 22 of the bleach comic is up, next page will be the last one to kinda close this one out and after that we go into some Emma things, we will figure out what it will be! Sketch requests on friday so feel free to leave an idea/suggestion in the thread made a couple of days back and I'll have a look and pick a couple of them!

Stay awesome!





password: maybe43




And we are almost there, its been a pretty nice one, and Orihime not lose its way, sexy from start to finish. I am pretty excited about the Emma project, looking forward it and Friday. Great job!


I agree with Ichigo, she sure looks to be great at sucking cock, and sure looks great doing it! Ichigo's line in the last panel cracks me up too. I'm looking forward to next week's page, if a bit saddened; it's been a great fun ride! I'm looking forward to sketches and Emma, stay awesome yourself :D


Very nice, but I'm really looking forward to the Emma project (she's one of my fav girls)


hey shiin the password isnt working for me :/ is it wrong here or something


thanks! glad to hear it, I'm hoping it will be good?


She has a good look diong lots of things ^^ Well all good things must come to an end but hopefully you will enjoy the next one to ^^


thanks, yeah the emma one will be good I think : )