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Here's just a little thing I was sketching on before I went on break. I decided to line and color it, a bit of a random conga line but here we are!

I'll have a look at the poll and see which one is the winner tomorrow so there's still a day to get your vote in if you haven't. Stay awesome!





She must've been in a deep trance not to notice that thing haha


Well hey, here's something new! It's a funny scene, Will could get it if he just had balls but he's such a wimp, lol. Nice ass, nice tits, nice pic! Stay awesome Shiin :D


I can't wait to see the Emily's face when the dance is done and she notices how Huge Will is


I LOVE the concept of this, very clever! My critique though would be that I think you should have made the girl on the left's ass smaller to make Emily's look bigger by comparison.


We need the girl on the left to keep Will there until Emily notices the high thing grinding in between her cheeks


Question is, will he pop all over Emily?

Gerald E

This scene made me chuckle, I hope Dagny the mechanic shows up again.

Zevulon Veers

Man, I would love to see a continuation of this pic with the girl behind will.


Kinda wanna see Will have a wet dream about Dagny and Emily giving him a double butt job


Also think the girl behind him should just hug Emilyso his head dissappears into her tits and lifts his body so he's stuck between the two of them and ends up shooting his load all over the back of Emily's head and random girl's face


Great! Would love to see this idea continue! 🙂


Lore Question: Is the girl behind Will in this photo, the girl that Harry fucked in the shop and the girl that invited Makato in for "coffee" all the same girl?