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Well, like the title sais, Ice cream for Lin! Just wanted to draw a scene out of the life of Lin so there she is at a nude beach. A great place to be nude after all. What happened before this scene or after, who knows : )

I also made a new banner, cause well, the other one was old!
The observent person will notice there's a part of this pic in it to but with slightly different colors, I took and put a piece from this pic and put into the banner and finished it before this pic was done.
I should also mentioned I just picked some faces from pictures that worked so some characters might not be in there that should be, but that obviously doesn't mean I wont be drawing Emily or Wendy in the future, just as an example : )
Stay awesome!





So excited to see how this will go..😍


Please let there be a follow up. She has to compensate him somehow for the "free" icecream 😉


Was this before or after the pic with Will?


Fuuuck, Lin's body is amazing. Shortstacks, man. Good work! The banner is nice too, though I wish Wendy had made it in 😜 Stay awesome and have a great weekend Shiin! :D


I like the candidness of this. I'd like to see more stuff like this with your characters just doing stuff in their daily lives. They don't always need to be having sex since their bodies already make it sexy.


Looking great


I general unless otherwise mentioned the oc pictures happen in chronological order, so this would be after!


Decent, will we be getting the reaction from Will and/or Emily seeing this picture?