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Hello gents!

Last pic for the emma/ace beach series is up on the tumblr!

http://shiinspatreon.tumblr.com/ (password related post for new patrons: http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1066513 )

As I mentioned in a post earlier, there will be no midd week update this week since it's the holidays and well, frankly I just want to have a day of, and I probably will need to since there's a lot of people around at this time and family visiting etc : )
But fear not, I will be posting again friday or saturday. I usually try to keep it to fridays as most of you know but if time will not allow it I will update on saturdaty instead!

Have a happy whatever you are celebrating or not celebrating ;) Stay awesome!




It was the.inminent end of the series, Emma looks amazing so great picture, loved this series. Take a deserved rest, be aware that the main holiday is on Friday so take more time if needed, happy holidays and stay awesome


Happy Holidays, rest assured I will be dreaming of Emma getting stuffed in all kinds of ways this holiday week.


A fine finish, great view of Emma's butt getting stuffed, and nice to see that she enjoys it. Enjoy your down time, stay cool Shiin :D


A great ending to these two, emma and ace, they definitely 2 showed that no matter where it always will know two of them make a good show for the public and end emma did not care to be in the middle of receiving playay big monster in the ass if he did not care to feel pleasure, emma hope you teach your sister good men velvet city. Well it is good to take a break after so much work and we hope the update received on Friday or Saturday and happy holiday and a good time with friends and family. =D


I was planning to reply many, many posts ago, but I found time only now. As much as I love your art, I have an hard time in appreciating the new drawing style. I rally prefer the more light lines of for previous works. The new style is - imho - very heavy and somewhat less realistic and tridimensional. The overall feeling is "static", imho of course and, in some instances, ruined (for me) some anticipated scenes, like the cheerleaders' one. Mind you, is your art, you have to do way you want/feel right and you must improve in the direction you chose. I'm just a bit sad I can't appreciate it.


haha thanks well that's good, she deserves some love ^^


thank you! glad you like it, and happy holiday to you to : )


thanks, it's good to have feedback, if not there is no way for me to know what people think and want. When you say light lines, you mean the thin ones, completely lined things i assume? There is something to be said about it, I pretty much find it the most boring part of drawing over anything. Still I agree that there is something missing with my new style and I aim to hopefully get better at it, perhaps adding in some lines to give some more edges to certain areas and such. I did a bit of experimentation on the cheerleader pic that you mentioned that you can check out on the blog, it's nothing much but it's slightly different, thanks for the input mate : )


Don't worry at all and keep experimenting. About the "light" lines, I did not explain myself well. I mean that your new style is more "realistic": better skin tones, shading, stronger outline lines. But - imho - I have a preference for the old style since it gave a better sense of movement in the bodies. Probably the best compromise, imho, are the starting pages of the Emma/Ace series, a kind of best of both worlds… cheers


ah! well glad to hear it ^^ I figured people didn't like just sketch and color so i figured I would try to advance it into something more painterly, but I think a middle of the road approach could work, we shall see I will keep at it. Sketching and adding color like the emma/ace early once are something I would do if people liked that one to, well nothing is written in stone and we can always change back to a style more similar to the previous one, or, uhm, change forward? cheers to you to mate!