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Hello Gents

I'm doing a comic with the poll winner. I sketched out an idea for the singer, she will have dark skin and probably black hair.
I have started sketching on the first page, I'm also considering doing a cover for the comic so I might jump into working on that and doing a cover before going into finishing the first page.
The comic will be more like in the style of the latest penny comic with some text and probably 3 panels on each page or something like that.

I also have a cold, so work is going a bit slow. This is mostly a heads up that will all that in mind updates might be delayed a little since I don't want to rush the comic, stay awesome!





Hope you get well soon 🙏


Take it easy Shiin. Hope you feel better man 👍


A comic, how exciting! I think a cover would be a good idea, too. I've got a cold myself, so, here's hoping we feel better soon! Stay awesome and have fun with this project Shiin! :D


Get better soon, no press yourself tpp hard, nice design, maybe some pink or gree hair streaks to contrast the black, get awesome soon and thanks


Looking forward to it, get well soon


I'm hyped. Take it easy man, hope you get better soon


Can her tits be just as big?


Omg can’t wait good job and I hope you feel better dude


Any chance those tits become a mirror of the vastness that is her ass? =)


If this character is based on Nicki Minaj, then that ass is definitely fake.


A comic (!!).. xmass is coming early this year hahah