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Alright, I picked out some of the 60+ suggestions! So many these days. I decided to keep it down to five that I had a somewhat clear ideas in my head what to do with when i saw them!
Go ahead and vote for one or more!

I saw a lot of voices for miss thiccé to so maybe we should bring her back in the future then but I want to have more of clear idea first of what to do with her,



For future polls, I'd hope for some more character variety; 3 Simon ideas and 2 fanarts isn't much. Still, I'm looking forward to seeing what wins!


Indeed, I figured the female characters would be what people in general would care more about when it came to the suggestions and I liked ideas. But I see your point.


Hate to complain but, can we show some love to male characters other than Simon?


Looks like it’s gonna be nicki minaj, they’re all pretty good ideas to be fair.

Andrew Donohue

Great to hear shiin glad you are bringing back miss Thicke eventually

Eddie Ronan

☹️ aww I though my succubus and nuns orgy was a-shoe’n

Ken c

Make it Minaj and little Harry what a surprise it would be to phat ass nicki


I can’t decide man


All of these are such amazing ideas. I'm really rooting for Simon and the purple haired girl but it's tough choices all around


"Cheers love, the cavalry's he- HHHHHHHRRRRREEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHH?!?!?!"


the rod is so underused


Shiin, do you intend to use more than one idea? "Tsuyu's mother" and "The Rod" would make great stories.