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Hello Gents

Okay, this took longer then expected but I did create galleries with pictures going back a few years and sorted it into oc names and fanart categories.

Velvet city:  https://mega.nz/#F!JmQHgKSY!Sp8VYzu0VeyD6GJwbzVUKA
Fanart:  https://mega.nz/#F!17BlEQZT!zd9ALncN_OcMXAmzoUtGaA

EDIT: you might have to copy and paste the entire line of text here since in the patreon post it dosn't seem to show the entire line as a link. The thing after the hashtag is the key to the gallery, something to do with security and stuff that mega uses.

You'll need an account at mega to view it which should be easy enough to get, just register one etc. If you want to get back to this post in the future for the links just check out posts under my patreon page and choose the tag "Archive"

I wanted to get this gallery done but as a result I may not be able to finish up the next update until tomorrow, sorry for that delay! It's part two of Simon and the Redhead at the massage place, stay awesome!




I can’t figure it out man I’ve got an account but how do I get to your gallery???


Well, unless I've screwed it up somehow you should be able to copy the link " https://mega.nz/#F!JmQHgKSY!Sp8VYzu0VeyD6GJwbzVUKA " and just paste it in your browser and access the gallery


Ok it works now thanks


A pretty comprehensive gallery of your past years' works, good stuff. However, that Velma gallery is empty!


ah yeah sorry, I know I have at least some velma pics so i made a folder, but couldn't find the pics, might be able to locate them later

Sarah Peterson

Thank for collecting everything up so nicely!


Awesome Gallery, many thanks for the effort, fantastic job ^^

Reeeeee Boy

Question: would you ever do another VN like that brief one with Emma? I thought it was great.

Eddie Ronan

the Velma file is empty


I wouldn't be against it, but it takes a lot of time so it would have to be something in the future that I plan out well, not impossible!


yeah I have some velma pics but couldn't find them, if I stumble on them I'll add them


i can't go to the fanart file, can you help me?