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Hello Gents

I got a little project going on atm, ordered a standing desk that I need to go get and transport home somehow. I'll use this when I draw and work to spare my back some. All this siting has not made wonders for my health, or at least it probably wont if I were to continue doing it!

Anyhow, should be able to get it home tomorrow and I need to assemble that thing and disassemble of my old desk since I can't fit both, move furniture around a bit and all the things around that. These things tend to always take longer then planed so I figured I'd just make a post letting you know that next update will be delayed a bit, still it should be sometime later this weekend!




Congrats on the new desk, and now worry, if is to improve your quality of life it will benefit us all.


Isn't it hard for you to draw standing up? To me it's impossible.


Good luck with your homeworking!


I wouldn't think so, since I can raise it quite high and still rest my elbows on the table, but it's adjustable so worst case I can sit and draw and stand and do everything else, but I hope to be able to stand and draw


Hope everything works out. Hyped to see your next post!


Hope the standing desk works out. They've become quite popular. Take care of yourself first


thanks, working pretty well so far, first day im really using it today : )


Thank you, yeah I think it will help me in the long run!


I can't vote on the new poll, but i prefer wendy as a pig gal

Gerald E

I stand most of the day at work myself too. You might want to get one of those anti fatigue foam mats too Shiin.