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Hello Gents

I think i need a break to sketch and just come up with ideas. I've been sorta running on fumes these last couple of weeks and realized when I was working on a picture yesterday that I wasn't happy with it at all feeling mostly that I have to finish it anyway which is never a good feeling! I want to take a week or two and just sketch around and see where I land and not stress about it. Work up some creative energy again.

I apologize for this being a bit sudden. A quick little rant and reason. Ever since I first had this trouble with my breathing thing a year and a half ago-ish things seems to get a bit worse when I'm stressed so I figured it's about time to just, take a deep breath, relax and sketch a little. They never did find anything wrong with me so we are working with the idea that it was something with the muscles that made it hard for me to breath, turned into anxiety and now I'm a bit more sensitive against pressure and stress, pressure and stress I usually put on myself cause one never learns :D
I'll also mention that I prefer not to talk about it other than this short message. I appreciate people sending me messages asking if I'm okay but I find talking about it only makes me think about it more so I usually avoid bringing it up. I have a person (I believe the title is physical therapist in english, but they are also focused on the mental parts and stuff with breathing) I go occasionally that still helps me so don't worry about it! Still I wanted to mention that, I guess i feel like i need an excuse to take some time of, maybe it goes back to all the other jobs I've had with bosses breathing down my neck ^^ I tend to just write things out and not read through it so hopefully that made sense, end of rant!

Now feel free to post ideas and I hope that might also help me get inspired.
(Edit: removed some text and I made a separate thread for ideas to be posted, seemed better in hindsight! so post in that!)
Again, I apologize for taking this sudden break without warning, stay awesome!
