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Hello gents Vote for what you would like to see, you can vote for more then one suggestions! http://strawpoll.me/4191468 Stay awesome! /shiin



Voting for Yoko and Misato, here's hoping luck is on my side this time, but with all these fun ideas, it's sure to turn out good either way.


Having so many cool options, i was not sure if you would include Dr.Jung one. So many good choices, i would almost vote all. ^^


If Yoko, use her newer costume (the one with stars and cape)


yeah lots of ideas, i will try to draw a few of them : ) I hope so to!


I figured the idea of the dr jung one might work, well voting for all would be an option, but not a very helpfull one ;D


I think there might be a chance that there will nog be much of her outfit involved : )

Jack Mack

Pretty impressive turnout. 412 votes so far out of the total of 417 patrons,


I don't think that anyone's only voting for a single idea (I know I voted for two), so it's probably broken up a fair bit more than 412 patrons. Though, now I wonder, does Shiin ever vote in his polls?