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Hello good sirs Just wanted to make a post about updates to come, I was going to post the 2 pages of the robb and alexia comic on wednesday but it seems I will be able to finish them tommorow so keep an eye out for those! I plan on finishing up 2 other linearted pics that will be posted during the week aswell. I uploaded the latest pic again with lin and xoltar and added the tattoo that I forgott at first so that's now on the tumblrpage! Something I thought about recently was that I always shrink down the pics to a smaller size, about 30-40% of the original one. Would people like to have the full res ones? I'm not sure it would be much better but if there is an interest I might start sending them out to patrons, I don't think tumblr can handle big pics so I would work it out some other way, it was just a thought I had so we shall see. Tell me what you think if you have any opinion about it : ) Stay awesome /shiin



Sounds like a cool time to come,Xoltar and Lin picture is awesome with the tattoo on, so thumbs up, also the comic and linearts updates sound promising. I not have a strong opinion on the hires files, but you can try to zip them and upload them zipped to the tumblr.

Jack Mack

I don't really care about hi res. You can always zip them or make a dropbox if you are afraid of them being too big.


this is just another guys two cents but i think it would be easier to send pics to patrons rather then two different tumblrs with two different passwords


I was thinking if i ever do bigger res pic i would just send out a rar-pack with those at the end of the month. If you are talking about just tumblrs in general that would create the problem that people would just keep sending pm's wanting a look at older pictures all the time, it would be to time inefficent i think : /


I don't think most people do, I might just do it as an added bonus, might make a poll, if it's just a few out of all the patrons i might not bother, we shall see : )


Yeah I don't think most people does care, it was just something I thought about, i know a few others that have done this but I'm not sure it even matters, I don't think it does actually ^^


Looking forward to the next updates :D certainly, I'd rather have the fullest res of your pics, highest quality of your great art ^_^