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Hello Gents!

Here's a thing with Emma and one of the oc suggestions sent into me a pretty long time ago when I offered people to send in their ideas for oc's or personas to use in VC! I still have those messages lying around so figured why not ^^ Don't underestimate an elf Emma!
Some alt versions to!

Post should started getting back to a weekly schedule again now that we soon enter september! I have some ideas and things coming up, I will also work on the shortstacks at the beach which was the poll winner in the poll I posted before august!

Some people have been asking about my health so figured I'd adress that here. Test show's nothing bad. Atm I'm working with a physiotherapist to see if we can build up some lung volume. One therory is that some muscles restrained my chest and limited breathing, and even if that is fixed the lungcapacity might have gone down. We shall see, a work in progress! Stay awesome!


Archive for pictures:
password: smallupdates55




Happy to hear from you, Emma seem to have understimate this fellow, awesome pic


Nice to see your art again dude😀


His dick seems to start a little high on his stomach but I love everything else about it!


Lovely piece, maybe someday Emma will learn not to underestimate the little guys! I like the cum alt too, new version of fun you got there. Stay awesome! :D


hm, maybe you are right, I'll it in mind for future stuff like this with angles that can be, trickier!


I love the idea of cum going all the way through out her mouth. You should use that more often!