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Hello Gents!

edit: fixed so the password works, hadn't changed it for the tumblr properly.

Summerheat is killing me but here's a couple of scraps : ) should be an update tomorrow with a full colored oc picture, stay awesome!

Archive for groovy giver things:
password: boing54




Nice nice set! That Will one is quite interesting, I hope it'll be a bit more before a woman properly notices his cock but the librarian being the one sure is an intriguing thought. The frozen one is funny, I laughed, but the Emily one is truly wonderful! That last one of her getting stuffed is beautiful, I hope Simon won't have to wait too long to split her ass in a proper picture! Stay awesome Shiin :D


Nice scraps, we all knew huge viking artists were weak against heat. Be strong and thanks


Hehe true true, heat isn't something I thrive in ^^ Thank you!


Thanks, yeah she is a candidate for hooking up with Will! ^^ I had planned for her to meet up with Simon, Emily that is, but I just haven't gotten around to it for some reason : )