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Hello Gents!

I made a part 2 of the Elizabeth thing for today. I ended up reworking this and all kinds of things in it so it took a lot longer then it should. I had intended to post it yesterday but took me another day to kinda get it sorted out. Sometimes a man should cut his loses and restart the picture idea and that would probably save time! Ah well, I hope you will still like it!

I'm going to pick out some ideas for the poll probably tomorrow and make a post so people can vote, stay awesome!

Archive for pictures:
password: lewds99




Ah Elizabeth, so lovely, so thick, so soon to be stuffed! Her eyes, lipstick, lingerie, and massive titties are my favorite parts of this, but the Rod in the window is my fun too. I wonder what he'd think of this scene? With this being Elizabeth's punishment for trying to cheat her way up the corporate ladder, perhaps he'd want to join in on delivering justice to this evildoer, heh. Nice one, stay awesome and have a good week Shiin :)


Pretty cool pic Shiin, in the end is brave throwing a pic and start anew, and this one looks rather sexy, nice impaling, stay awesome Shiin


Hey Shiin, can you tell if will have Brigitte part 3?


That was a benefactor pic which ended up being only two parts it seems but I might do some pic of her myself in the future, might be a follow up of the other two!


well I didn't throw it all away, just reworked it heavily but restarting might have been better ^^ still it came out okay I suppose, and thank you!


It would be interesting to also see the scraps, i mean many scraps are cool even though are not complete.


well in this case there are no scrap, i reworked the picture and the thing I started with is no longer available, sorry!