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Hello gents I saw some mention of jessie in the last post so i decided to go with that this time, I had in mind to draw Hilda but I have drawn her in the past and probably will again in the future, this time it was time for something new! Go check it out, I also added an alt version for yesterdays sketch. Oh, I didn't make jessie's boobs very big, I hope you will find it in your hearts to forgive me! just want to try to mix in different things : ) http://shiinspatreon.tumblr.com/ (password related post for new patrons; http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1066513 ) Stay awesome mates /shiin



Nice pic, Jessie's really getting spread there :D I shouldn't complain about a quick fix to something that isn't really a problem, but Misato's boobs look really oddly place, like they're growing from the middle of her torso or something. Size is great though :) Stay awesome Shiin :D


thanks! hm yeah, looking at it, that might be the case, I'm pretty tired atm, things like taht happen then : ) I will give it a look again tommorow when I have my brain going at less of a slow pace ^^


oh wow, um, dont take this the wrong way, im a fan and all but....well....lets just say you've done better. i really appreciate the more realistic apportions this time around but a combination of facial expression and pose makes it look strange. dont give up though, i believe you (or someone who drew like you) did jessie one time and i was hoping you would do another, so i hope there would be a third one :)


That may be the biggest dick you've ever drawn, if that bulge in her belly is any indication!


I'm sorry, this is way too hilarious, I don't think I can fap to this one :D


Your expressions are getting ever more evocative, Mr. Shiin! and I really must repay the favor of boob-sato now being a thing.


Well, Misato is not getting any younger so with those tits is normal that she hungs over the ages. I liked the Jessie picture a lot, the expression is cool, the hips and les are epic and her body type looks sexy, is something in a style that is different from your usual, more akin Clara last draw, but sexy nope the less.


hehe well I didn't intend it to be that kind of bulge, more of a little belly i guess, but then again, we don't know how deep he is ;D


thank you, i hope they with some more practice will be even more interesting : ) Well I will not stop you! I like surprises, mostly ^^


Thanks, yeah I figured I would try not to put her tits to high, but a little higher might not have hurt. Well It's all a bit experimental I guess, if we don't try new stuff we can never grow ^^


what a pic! the facial expression is great, i like the eyes and gritted teeth works well with this dialogue! the only advise i have for this pic is the spacing on the breasts seems a bit too much, i think cause of the size of breasts youre used to drawing makes this space normal but since these are smaller the space makes them have much less 3d depth than you probably wanted.. otherwise, love this one!