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Hello Gents

I know I said I was going to work on the Emma comic next and I kinda got sidestracked with this, sorry! Boruto and Chocho, I'm afraid I screwed up and forgot she has darker skin, didn't notice till picture was almost finished. I tried to correct it a bit but still not accurate >_< I'll keep that in mind if I draw a part two of this.

I've gotten the sketch down for the Emma page and some lineart, going to start coloring it tomorrow, hopefully I'll have it posted on Tuesday, stay awesome!







Screw up or not I quite like this, there's nothing like a huge ass and some nice thighhighs below it. Yep, quite a nice pic. Looking forward to the next Emma, stay awesome :D


Looking hot, you can always revisit if you have time. Is looking great, pretty cool job and keep it good

Wincent, The Hollow Knight

Not bad :) Not my favorite girl (and honestly, I don't like boruto overall) But nice pic none the less.


I don't know any of the Boruto characters except for Naruto and Sasuke's kids but I'm loving Chocho


hey despite that, you did great! besides i think we need more of that plump Chocho anyway. keep it up!


I'm Interested to see how this ends


maybe but I would probably have to recolor her to make it look like it should so perhaps this is how this pic will stay for now : )


Thanks ^^ yeah I haven't watched boruto, i just figured it would be fun characters to draw : )


Yeah same here but someone mentioned this character and it seemed like it could be something fun to draw!


yeah I'll try to make a part 2, just going to finish some other pics first that are in the works!


Love her!