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Hello mates, I just wanted to show you the idea about the the flash thing i'm working on, it's really nothing so far, I have more pictures but no a lot of them, i will have to draw a lot more and put it all togheter, I'm not quite sure how to structure it up, possible take a month working on this when the Hinata/naruto comic is done? I'll probably make a poll about it when that time comes. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2015/041/0/1/emmas_adventure__b_by_shiin_s-d8hhdi5.swf It's probably scalling up now (will look pixely and nog great), i will look into how to keep it at a fixed scale later, I really don't know much about flash other then the real basics, barely : ) In the future ill probably post links on the tumblr so you can just download it as a zip-file or something, once i get more done etc etc Once again, so far its nothing, just a rough first screen, a door, and emma opening the door, but it will give you the idea of what i had in mind, I would like to possible add some small things like background music, animations etc etc perhaps a few small secrets. Thoughts about this thing are welcome. Secondly, since i will finish up the next page of the naruto comic tommorow, what would you like the pair in the apparment on the most recent page to be? I'm planing to have them make a small apperance on the balkony or something like that. Stay awesome gents /shiin



Lets be fair, you are doing great. You just took flash a week or so ago, so keep going, is like drawing, the more you do the better you will get, try to keep it simple, in the future you can always improve this versión, so try just a simple line with few secrets, like a swimsuit scene if you fin the swimsuit for example. As the couple other Naruto characters may be fun, maybe linked to some old picture, or just a non common couple.


I like it so far. Having some in between animation like when she opens the door could be cool, or if you can animate a hand ringing the bell. Light BG music depending on the mood of the story as it progresses & stuff. Just put in what you want/can. Easter eggs would be neat, maybe have a closet you can click on during one of the scenes that will change her outfit or something. I'd like to see the couple in the other apartment be Shikamaru & Temari, maybe have them get frisky after watching Naruto & Hinata.


Well normally I would say that the couple in the apartment would be another couple from the Naruto world, but it would be very fun to maybe see your own OC in that world, maybe Simon and Emma and they could even have some cloth from the Naruto world. XD


I think the couple in the apartment should include Ino. Because she's hot af.


I'm excited to see where you end up taking the flash :D As for the couple, maybe Tsunade and someone (the Raikage maybe?) or Ino and Shikamaru. Might be fun if watching Hinata and Naruto go at it inspires such from the viewers :P


Thank you, yeah this is a bit of a test so don't expect to much : D


Yeah, but even animations like that will take a lot of time so this being the first one will probably not contain much of that : ) This a first try so :D The music will not be anything advanced, but something is probably better then nothing.


Hehe well it's an idea but this time i think i will go with naruto people :D Maybe my oc's should cosplay someday ^^


Yeah true. I guess I always just had a thing for Ino. She seems like she'd be open-minded when it comes to sex.