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Hello Gents

I just came back form the chiropractor, my backs been a bit messed up and I have had trouble breathing and stuff like that, hence the stuff that happened a couple of months ago. I'm hoping this might fix it, if not I'll see a doctor about it but I will try to relax my shoulders and such for 2-3 days aswell, that means no digital drawing and very little siting infront of the computer, which kinda sucks but I need to try to get this fixed so I can work painfree later.

That said next update will be pushed forward a bit, I'm planing to have a curvy update ready later this weekend : ) I apologize for that delay, I'll still put up the poll sometime this week. stay awesome!




God help ypu to heal, brothr. We wish you the greatest of health and the strongest of body


Health go.first, no worries and get better


Take care of yourself man, worry about yourself before your art.


I wish u a speedy recovery! FYI: my brother also had trouble with his back and he also went to see a chiro. If he/she recommends u a few exercises for ur back, do them. Srsly, it is unbelievable how much that alone helps. (I guess now u also know how some of ur lovely ladies feel. U really should put chiro in the town!)


Take your time😊 I know how that feels and those things take time, so relax take it easy and Let’s hope it works 😁

Angelo B.

Go see a doctor. Putting it off will have you walking like Keyser soze!


As long as you're ok, we can wait


hehe maybe, I did see one a while back and he thought it probably is muscular stuff, but its not getting much better so might have to go in and ask them to take a closer look, or perhaps they have some tips and tricks


Hopefully not to much time, I'm already feeling great urge to draw and it's only been one day of not using my digital drawing equipment : )


yeah I've gotten a couple of those a while back but they havent help >_< I think they are really helpful the ones I got to learn but I think they might not have helped with whatever the problems are with my back/muscles! And, those big melons have some drawbacks on them I suppose ^¨^


I should, but I really like drawing, and thanks man : )


thank you, yeah I need to get better so I can draw more : )


Thanks, hopefully I might get this sorted out in not to long, we shall see


I’d wait a whole year if it meant you being fully recovered, your art is too good to vanish,