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Hello Gents

I finally got around to finishing up the last page of the Jessica and Holli comic. I must admit I really find lineart tedious sometimes but I wanted to keep it in the same style as previous pages and it's fun to finish up a comic to! : ) I kinda want to draw Jessica and Holli again sometime, maybe not a comic but some stand alone picture with them or something but it's just idea for now!

Up next I'm thinking I will do some kind of christmas themed picture, what characters that will be involved I haven't quite settled on yet. Untill next time, stay awesome!


Archive for pictures:
password:  holidays46




A nice bath ending, many thanks and looking forward your seasonal surprise, stay awesome as well


Haha, first two panels are quite funny, and the last one is really sexually charged, even if we've already seen the scene that situation will lead to. Good stuff, good stuff, thanks for the comic! Christmas themed sounds fun, stay cool Shiin :D


I was really hoping to see their faces coated in goo. Could we get something like that later?


Very nice ending!. i know That I sound like a broken record, but your lineart is wonderful... Truth must be told your new style is improving, I think it needs a lille more work on the character's faces, but it's nice.


A small suggestion, since you mentioned Jessica and Holli. I can write now since it's becoming common knowledge: sadly, Julius Zimmerman passed away last month. Since the man (rip) draw out the most massive Jessica artwork output we have ever seen, A couple of Jessica tribute pictures in the future would be nice. Or maybe Jessica tripping to Velvet city to check if what they say about The Rod is true, lol...


RIP Julius Zimmermann. I like the idea of a tribute to the man but even more than "just" Jessica, his focus was also on Disney-princesses and Leia. Since SW is now part of Disney I would even suggest something like a "Tribute-month". One month with mainly Disney princesses, Leia, and Jessica. Just a thought^^


great work shiin already expected the outcome of this comic


Indeed, sad to hear it. Still I will probably stick to my regular things and oc's but his art will be missed and mainly It's always sad when someone is taken before their time.


Thanks, glad you like the ending! I'm still learning the new style and hopefully it will keep improving, it's always ups and downs especially when one tries something new, but if we don't try it the art will never improve ^^


Indeed rip zimmerman, it might be something to keep in mind.


not impossible if I decided to draw more things with them later!


Thanks youi, it was fun to finish up this little project ^^ stay cool man!