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Hello Gents

I figured we could throw out some ideas for velvet city's latest hero, The Rod in this post.

Background idea for The Rod:
I imagined Simon found in one of velvet city's more obscure stores that sells things from all the world a ring  that gives him powers. Perhaps there wasn't a great market for this particular ring due to the fact that it also gives you the suit to go with the powers when you put it on, the suit being shoes, mask, cape and gloves. Or maybe he was just lucky no one else had stumbled over this tiny object in the corner of the strange store.

Ideas for powers:
Flight - I'm thinking a lot of fun things can be done with flight, carrying young curvy women to saftey and so on.
Other - I have other ideas for powers to but haven't settled on anything and are open to suggestions!

Ideas for situations
Saving women from fires, robbery or things of such nature. Fighting curvy robbers and giving them The Rod. Curvy supervillians etc

I'm thinking Simon's everyday life carries on mainly the same but he does a bit of hero work on the side : )

Anyway, suggestions about anything and everything regarding this are welcome in this post! I feel like i missed something here but if I did I'll edit this post later!

I'm working on some different sketches and drawings so there will most likely be an update tomorrow of some sort, stay awesome!



Archive for groovy giver things:
password: pantsless22




The idea sounds rather good, he can fuck victims taht want to reward him, and villians as a lesson. You not need to even made "The Rod" a real superhero, but a webcomic or something that Simon and a friend publish about the matter, that way you can also use the ring thingy without worrying about if souns likely to heppen, and made more sense if some of our other characters (Penny for example) get poowers lately, but is just an idea. Using it as a tribute to the genre sounds fine.


I liked the idea of bringing in some superpowers to VC but I don't want to overdo it and give it to lots of oc's, but perhaps someone else can find someting, or maybe makoto invents something that gives powers of a sort of something, we shall see, I'll hold of on that for a little while I think anyway untill the Rod is more established : )


Every hero needs an assestance, for example, batman has batgirl. Powers, i say invisibility and some increase in speed. My idea says that a sexy fat butted small tited theif trys to steal a golden ir a dimond dildo from a Museum. Where simon aka fhe rod will "fight" her and see who is going to win, please let simon lose sometimes


How about The Rod gets into a fight with his archenemy ‘The Butt’ and a fire accidentally starts and the only way to put it out is his super sperm but he has trouble doing it himself so he gets help from ‘The Butt’


Nice ideas. You are right in not giving a lot of people superpotere in VC. Maybe you can introduce just a couple of super villainesses (butt and boob powered). The rest of the action could be The Rod saving damsels in distress from various situations. Maybe the villains start acting when Simon does his first superhero gigs, in response.


By the way, you plan on finishing the current Jessica/holly is strip?


The Rod should be his own new character and not an oc


I prefer 1 or 3 for the mask, and luck for the backstory. For powers, I'd think the basic stuff, flight and superhuman strength and stamina. Saving girls from stuff sounds fine to me.

Wincent, The Hollow Knight

He uses his big meat to turn evil super-villianesses into obedient, kind civilians :3


arch nemesis: Hung Lo- also found a ring, but not one that goes around your finger. Challenges the Rod in a feat of stamina. Pleasure as many women as they can and the winner will be the new hero of Velvet city.


Hm...I agree with the flight, strength and stamina for the Rod. Mask I would say three, and let him have an actual suit that’s just piss easy to remove. Other powers include x ray vision, changing his density so he can pass through walls one moment and then literally be harder than diamond if he chooses, invisibility, and the ability to clone himself to DP particularly thick victims.


You really should do stuff with him fucking female robbers and suoervillainesses. Male hero on female bars isn't something that gets done a whole lot in the suoerheroine genre.


Xray vision works well, there's a lot of ways Simon could abuse that in his normal life. Also super breath that lets him blow people's clothes off, super cumloads so we can see him put out a wildfire with his ejaculation, super speed so he can pound a girls ass a hundred times a second, and making his cock indestructible. I like the idea of a curvy villain watching him slapping bullets out of the air with his dick


I think it should be real, it makes it more fun that way. In terms of villains, I think it should be a mix of some OC's, and some canon girls, like Shego, Black Cat, Poison Ivy, and so on. The canon girls are being brought through by the Big Fat Butt girl, who becomes The Rods arch nemesis.


Are you going to be doing any more BDSM stuff? Like the handgag thing was discussed a while back?


Yeah I would like to do bdsm, we shall see I can work some into a pic!

Prince Noctis

Hmm how about a increase in strength and stamina? Nothing crazy but a good increase in power and ONLY when he wears the ring (Not his everyday life). In hopes there is a super powered villainess that he can pound into the ground so hard the ground or floor starts to crack. Just my thoughts.

Prince Noctis

And oh yes flight. Some pretty good mid flight fucking is a great idea


Female Villain : has ability to get inside The Rod's head and portray herself far more curvy. As her figure grows, The Rod is unable to resist temptation.