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Hello Gents

Another more serious update, but not to serious. The night towards Wednesday I had an anxiety attack. Was pretty scary, haven't had it before. Basically I've been stressing about my earlier visit to the hospital checkups and stuff, feeling this and that. There shouldn't be anything wrong with me according to the doctors so that's good. I've put it into my own mind that, well my body is collapsing one me, something I need to get over. Long story short I went to a doctor and they gave me some pills in case it gets that bad again, I haven't had to use them yet but we shall see, they make you apparently very sleepy so I want to avoid it if I can.

Now I don't want this to be some kind of I-want-sympathy-post,  I'll manage and get through this, just give it some time. Most of us end up in some situation like this sometime in our life so I don't feel that special : ) That said I'm taking the first week in November of so there might be no updates next week. Figured I should post this in case people want to hold their pledge or something like that and so they don't feel like I've cheated them on updates. I know many people are probably okay with it and don't mind but I just want to put it out there anyway. Hopefully that should be enough time for me to recover some of my former sanity. Now that said, I kinda find drawing relaxing compared to many other things I do so I might still post some big butts and such, I just want to remove the pressure of feeling like I have to do so.

TL;DR: I'm a mentally fragile lad now and there might not be updates next week, sorry about that!

Stay awesome!




Don't push yourself Shiin, if you need a week off, take a week off. Take care of yourself man!


Take the time you need buddy. Health are serious business so no worry, all best


Take it easy, we'd rather wait for you to feel comfortable than have you continue you on stressed out.


You always work incredibly hard for your patrons. Look after your health, Shinn. It's important.


Take your time man, back in july of 2016 i had the same thing happen to me i lost alot of weight because i couldn't eat, i had to force myself. If you are having the same problem eat Cheerios in the morning. I went to the doctor and they gave me the same pills, it took me two and a half weeks to be back to normal and i only had to use those pills once, i don't like pills man to many side effects. If you need to talk to somebody about this i am here man.


It's good to take a break sometimes, take them pills and get well

SFM admirer

you make alot more posts than alot of the other creators on this website that i at least support. I dont even know how you draw as much as you do cause if i were you i would be getting to horny to probably finish drawing anything. Anyway your not shortcoming anything by not posting for a week so go bust a nut or keep drawing if that what keeps you zen.


Thanks, I try to put out some each week, seems fair as a thanks for all the support! Thanks again mate, I'll try to just take it easy, it's ups and downs atm but I'm determined to get past it as soon as possible! : )


It probably is ^^ thank you, I'll do my best to get back into the groove again : )


Ah, well sorry to hear that but glad you got better : ) Yeah I'm no big fan of pills either but these's at least arent to strong and you can't really get addictedto them or something like that so I think It will be fine, still I try to not use them if I dont have to : ) and thank you!


Thanks, I'm happy to hear that, I'll do my best : )


Thanks yeah I'm just taking it easy trying not to get stressed etc atm, I'm hoping to get past it as soon as possibly, we shall see : )


Thank you, yeah I think a week of no stress is much needed atm, I'm sure it will work out, and hopefully I wont have to take these pills and things to long


Thank you, yeah I think it will help with recovering from this little state of mind, it's ups and downs but I'll be back to normal in hopefully not to long : )


Hey Shiin! It is probably super weird to get specific, unsolicited health advice from a random guy on Patreon, but I do have a suggestion if you're feeling experimental. Many people, (via advice from Coach Charles Poliquin) find they can greatly reduce anxiety by stimulating production of the GABA neurotransmitter. You can do this cheaply and with natural (food-sourced) supplements via: 10g L-Glutamine 1-2g L-Theanine Pro-Biotic of your choice. (Optional, but encouraged - 400mg Magnesium Threeonate) You can get the two amino acids from any bulk supplement company of your choosing. Good luck, and take it easy regardless!


Well tips and such are certainly always welcome ^^ I have found that by just facing my fears sorta I have kinda been able to work past them by just realizing that the worst thing that could happen is that i faint and then the body just takes care of the breathing anyway. Having some people around me etc helps, I think I'm almost past it and have had it landed on a manageable level for now and hopefully it will in not to long for it to be gone completely, but thank you anyways!