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Hello Gents

Just wanted to post this little thing here. I had some fainting and heart racing issues yesterday so I went to the hospital. They ended up saying it was probably due my low blood pressure and some other things like sleep, eating etc. It was just a perfect storm of bad things. They still kept me over night. All is well now, they found all things to be in order and me having that healthy body of a strapping young man, I can also check the box of having spent a night in a hospital being incredible bored and not sleeping.

The reason I mention this is because this obviously throws a bit of a wrench in updates. I have base sketch of the jessica/holli comic but I will not be able to finish that till tomorrow. I'll try to get something posted, I'll dig around and see if I have something I can finish up in the way of sketches or such. Watch for the Jessica/Holli comic early next week, stay awesome!




Damn man, Glad you are doing fine now, be careful with your health, we can wait


D: That's really worrying to hear, but if you're okay, that's good. Do take care of yourself, your health is more important than timely updates.

Angelo B.

Your all good in my book. Don't let ur health decline on our account.


Glad you are fine. Take care of yourself.


Just take it slow man, i'm just happy you are ok. Rather have you healthy and happy than overworked and burned out.


We dont want any thing untill you return to us healthy


get some sleep.


Take care of yourself first man the art can wait

Saint Uther

We love your work but not at the cost of your health, take care of your self and when you can get around to it, finish what you started. We can wait, Hope all is well.


:0 dude, your health comes first, i can live without dirty pics for a while. if you need to rest then GREAT SCOT! rest and recharge. we're not superhuman.......at least not yet ;P seriously though take care man :)

Eddy Frederickhaus

Health is more important than bulging salamis going through tight buns...


Hope u feel better shiin


Thanks, yeah I'm okay, had a bit of a scare buts all good now, just going to rest a day or two : )


I've always had low blood pressure and they didn't find anything so I think I'll be fine, they will do a follow up later just to be sure, yeah I'll take a day or two and just relax : )


Thanks, I should be fine, or so they tell me ^^ but shouldnt be anything to worry about hopefully


Thanks, yeah it's probably just a bunch of small stuff together with my blood pressure, it should be fine hopefully : )


thanks, I should be fine they tell me, just my low bloodpressure and a bunch of other things in life, but I'll take a day or two to relax a little : )


Thanks, should be fine, just a bit of low blood pressure and stuff like that, but I'll make sure to rest and sleep well this weekend : )


thanks man, I'm sure I will : )


hehe thanks, yeah I'll make sure to rest well this weekend : ) true, but with some luck and the dark science and magic maybe we will be soon!


hope you feel better shiin!


thank you, yeah I'm starting to feel pretty okay : )


Glad to hear that you're ok


Geez dude, i hope you get well really soon :O Until that, dont feel forced to anything :)


Take it easy man. We totally understand. Health comes first.


Thank you, yeah still a bit tired but im doing pretty well : )


Thanks, yeah I'm relaxing a bit still, that think took more out of me that I knew so I'm still a bit tired