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Hello gents! I'm working on a picture with annie, simon and a third girl, can be seen on row 3 of the bunch of random doodles i posted, but coloring takes time so i probably will not be able to finish it tonight. I figured I would post this instead, a possible cover for the naruto/hinata comic that I will start posting for groovy givers once the Eliz/John comic is done. (only got the cover so far so, yeah, I have a generall idea how it will go, it's not very plot heavy ^^) http://shiinspatreon.tumblr.com/ ( password related post for new patrons; http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1066513 ) Feel free to suggest a different title or tagline, that was just something i put there for now. Characters will not change but you can always suggest if there is something you would like to see in the comic, it will probably take place in narutos apartment, but it's still not written in stone! Leave a comment, stay awesome! /shiin



Amazing idea and a titles that notablemente doubts about the content, i like it. If not set in stone, i may suggest taking the action outside? Maybe a training field or a roof. Naruto have always looks as an outdoors setting to me. ^^ Also glad that the amazing doodle is being finished. No doubts that is a workflow of awesomeness ^^


It's nice to see you've touched up the cover a bit! Do you think that you might make a cover for Elizabeth's ongoing story? And that threesome pic looks real nice, will the other girl be anyone from Velvet City's cast or just a generic? Stay cool Shiin :)


I'm sure you will make it perfect as always. But personally i think if she be RTN Hinata it would be more interesting.


Oh, this is going to be a treat.


So after the Sagefuck, we will get in maybe 2 more Years the Kyubbi Mode Fuck :P Just trollin a little bit, looks promising even if i get the creeps everytime i see Naruto with those Eyes *brr* *shudder*


You know, I think we've all had enough of Hinata being abused by Narutos cock. Maybe this time we can see her getting some real pleasure overload?


stating you opinion is fine, but do not presume you speak for other people as if it was the most obvious thing ever, but you suggestion have been noted : ) thanks you!


Didn't know they did creep people out :D he stares into your soul


I haven't seen that movie, but I have heard she is a bit more aggresive, im thinking of making her a little more like that


Thank man, well to be fair you are one of the few ones that had seen it in advance, but yeah its a little touched up ^^ I'm not sure if I will make a cover for eliz/john, might, but i will try to do it for all upcomming comics : ) I'm thinking it will be the girl from the costume party pic with annie and simon


Thank you, glad you like the cover ; ) Perhaps the roof would work, or something like that, a balcony, I think i will keep in in the village.


Well, I'm just assuming most people don't like seeing women in extreme pain when they have sex.


0_0 this looks awesome!!!!


I just don't care for the 'I think we've all xxxxx' kind of comments, that is all.


Conrad, how do you know Hinata doesn't practice sadomasochism? Just appreciate what Shiin puts out or look for another artist. I for one, never get tired of what Shiin posts, it's bond to get me going in one way or another.