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So we meet again gentlemen. Here is one of those rewards, a small comic strip! http://shiinspatreon.tumblr.com/ password related post for new patrons; http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1066513 ) Curiousity strikes again. Is there other artists out there that might be a patron of mine? I suspect it would be people that just started out in that case? If you want some advice just send me a pm, I might not be great and I am certainly not a teacher, but I could probably point you towards some good resources, anyone can draw as long as you put a little time into it : ) Sidenote for groovy givers, I aim to have the next comic page up on wednesday : ) I also got a couple of other sketches that i might continue with, so more updates during the week, I hope the random crazy 'update might be any day'-schedule works for people ^^ Leave a comment, strive to be great! /shiin



great pic once again.


Oh man, that's real hot, Penny's rack looks great in that tight shirt, but her ass just looks beautiful, amazing shot of her getting her fat ass stuffed. Fantastic work :D I'm not an artist, but I'm interested in learning. I'll be looking forward to the week's updates, stay cool Shiin :d


I've been an artist for fifteen years. Though I've yet to put any of my work out there on the internet.


Loved her face in the surprise panel, but in the end is her fault for sitting like that in the PC ^^. Hot stuff man, stay great.


Thank you, she is geting his entertainment while she entertain others with her streaming ^^ Oh do you draw anything atm or do you have plans to do so in the future? you stay cool to sir : )


I don't really draw anything now, but sometimes I'll get in the mood and try to sketch something, but I'll get discouraged by my work. Maybe I should try concentrating on writing, or just really try to draw?


I did a bit of rambling here in the comments that you can check out if you want, when it comes to drawing :D <a href="http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1205065">http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1205065</a> But yeah, the thing you need to realise when you are drawing is that you can and will get better if you practice. When I really started to try improve, I thought to myself that I would never ever be able to learn some things, I just could not get them right. But after drawing some of them hundreds of times, like hands, I find them less bothersome now, even if hands are still hard :D But yeah if you even want advice just send me a message, and age isn't really a restriction, granted I am not great, but I started drawing kinda late, I was past 20 when I first tried to draw something, and it looked pretty horrible : ) But you must be prepared for it to take a time, years if you draw a little every day.