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okay lads, I finished up the text on the last panel at page 4, and added text to page 5. I also finished up page 6. Go have a look : ) http://shiincomics.tumblr.com/ I will probably start posting the pages once they are done, I see no need to hold on to them till the begining of the new month, I might however hold on to them a little to put up say 2 pages intead of one if it's not much happening on it, or perahps even 3-4 pages when im starting a new comic. We will figure it out : ) But anyone, pages will be released as the month goes on. Leave a comment, stay awesome! /shiin



Haha, the comic's looking good, it's pretty funny and it's just fantastic, how comics let us get so many pics from you at once :D I like where things are headed, I'll be looking forward to future pages, and of course your other future works, stay cool man :D


very much looking forward to the rest of this! good expressions and poses so far, i like the inner monologues too!


This is fucking Fantastic! HaHa...I can't wait for the next installment!


Thank you, well i guess that's true in a way, more happening on one page then in one pic ^^ you to!


thanks! Will be sometime during the week or weekend probably ^^