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Hi Guys!.

These is the first look ( Final sculpt ) of the E. Frost (Sinister version) model, I'll make cuts & keys for this model; I hope you like this first look and remember,

"When adapting an illustration to its 3D version, it will show some inevitable changes  + some personal touch but, the attributes and essence of the Mark Brooks's style was captured, don't worry."

- Guys, I can't do this fast but, the stl files will be available coming soon, Be patient; My apologies and thanks for wait me!


- Extra piece(s) is/are Phoenix members,

(+) Exclusive piece(s) is/are Hydra members,

Stay tuned for + updates.

Thank you for your patience, again.

- Sorry my English.




Ron Barrett

This is beautiful. So much great work here! I do have one comment though, I wish for the topless version you would make a version of the hip/leg piece(s) that takes the outfit lines off the thigh part her "leggings". This is so it would look more intentional; like she is wearing the neck piece, cape, gloves, panties and the high boots. The topless piece cutting off abruptly at the midriff and being the only bare skin showing feels arbitrary and cheapens the look a little. That's just my opinion and with a little work (filling and/or sanding) I could get that look regardless but it would be nice to not have to modify such great work.


so looks freaking phenomenal beautiful work