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Hi Guys!

Project #42 (Zatanna) will soon be ready to be released.

Project #43 (Angela) will start immediately after.

Ok guys,

Subscriptions for Project #43 will end in July 18, 2024.

Subscriptions for project #44 will begin on July 19, 2024 and will close in August 18, 2024.

After that,

-- subscription charges will be paused.--

Member subscriptions will remain active but, benefits of previous models cannot be claimed during the pause period (of charges).

During this break time I will be release the pending models (projects).

Old members already know how I am currently working and the reasons; to summarize, I need to take care of personal and health things...

Stay tuned and thanks a lot for your support and patience.

-- Sorry my English --

Ok, let's go the Post:

These are Imagenes for you help me to choose the next  project (#44)* , these are the options:

- Op1. The Powerpuff girls, Stanley  "Artgerm" Lau art style.

- Op2. Red Monica, Stanley  "Artgerm" Lau art style.

- Opt3. Harley Quinn (Special version), Dc's character, Joe Madureira and (Plus) Bruce Timm art style.

- Opt4. Mary Marvel, Dc's character, Adam Hughes and (Plus) Bruce Timm art style.

- Opt5. Queen Medusa, Marvel's character, Joe Madureira art style.

*The Poll post will be open into the next Hours - so, you can thing about these options -.

Stay tuned!.


-- Sorry my English, again. --


Op 1
Op 2
Op 3
Op 4
Op 5


Eric Widner

Powerpuff Girls!