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Hi there!

Here I go with the release of the Pin-Up collection of February 2024. The files are already uploaded to their respective folders and the samples will be down there for preview check.

You may find some mistakes, I did this all in a rush to catch up with my schedule. The quality was not dropped and High and Max tiers also get 6th week turned into a short story as a bonus. Sorry but this time webp is not done, like stated last month, it is an experiment still. If you want it anyway, just leave a comment or send me a pm.

PDF KEY: PatronOfArts&Magic





This is a reply to a comment that was on the wrong post, the original patron can re-post here the full comment is he wants to. I'm not taking the criticism as insults, I always like to have feedback from patrons and fans. Please leave more. Pin-ups are supposed to be practices for "comic" creation, and some techniques were employed and fail expectation. The blur effect is still my enemy. I'm still struggling on how and how much to use. The "multiple boobs" effect is a technique I'm developing to cross 3D look and 2D comic effects. You have seen this at "Egg Guard", "Morning Run" or "Boobember", just to name a few. Kid and Danny have "extreme" faces, meaning that the face rig on gen8 doesn't align exactly with the face features, and I have to pose the expressions "by hand". I admit, I failed on them both, I re-did the main pins 5 or 6 times on Kid and this was the least terrifying look. As for Danny, the face AND lighting failed. I used the same bar for "Why the Bra, Bro?" and re-did ALL the lighting and the results are palpable. The objective of "Lone Date" was to (finally?) understand an iRay feature called "Decal". It is the projection of an image (the soap) on to a mesh (Kid). I don't master it yet and, sometime, the soap was not on what I wanted, but I didn't know how to move it without messing up everything. I plan to use it more to master that thing. It is very useful for projecting a shirt drawing, sludge, body fluids, slime and a never ending of possibilities.