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Hi there!

This is the new format for the pin-up releases. I do hope this works best for all Patrons.

What is new> ALL Patronage Tiers get access to the file bellow which contains the full, uncensored collection of the pin-ups, but there is a catch. It is Encrypted, Low Resolution and Watermarked.

PDF KEY: PatronOfArts&Magic

I gracefully ask you not to share neither file nor Key with non-patrons, thank you.

If you are a Low Tier patron this is a bonus. I had to think on how not to harm my lowest patrons by showing the samples above and think this is fair. More Explaining on THIS POST 


UPDATE March 2024: To comply with Patreon's new stance with NSFW rules, this post was censored - PDF Removed




I like the extra lin stuff especially since she gets big natural tits and birthing hips but I really didn't like that the "dildo" in Troll's "lost toy" sequence involved a female torso with a dick, thats really disturbing and off putting. I thought I had addressed that back when the blonde bimbo transformation sequence in the dressing room occured and I was under the impression you wouldn't do it again...


Troll's spot is a mockery of two stories from good artists I follow. It mixes the "Venus statue" (or something like that) from KannelArt and "Morning Wood" from NotZackFromWork. Those combined as a small latex venus statue that gets a boner. I don't have a male torso counterpart, as of now, due to still using Genesis 8, which has separate male and female figures, and I invested way more money on female assets. Sorry if I disturbed you. The boner venus (not the pillow, as on the other story with the blonde) will appear again in the future, at least until I get some new assets, or learn to do my own with blender meanwhile. Thanks for the comment.