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If you are a follower for some time, you know "MILF Up" and Sexy Up", I cannot link them here due to DA RULES but you can find them at my DA Gallery. In there I introduced TIKI, or Transformation Interactive Kinetic Interface, there, in the shape of a "smartphone" (an early tablet asset I had).

TIKI is an interface with the intent of replacing wands and democratize magic. It was invented and developed by Dinah Mack in the late 1980's early 1990's. 

Accidents happen and this short Pin/sequence shows what happened during an accident while soldering a prototype board of an early TIKI, at the latter end of the 1980's before Missy was born. TBH, this might have been the catalyst for Missy...

This begins BOOBEMBER, Enjoy.

PS: Prof Mack had white hair due to another lab accident until her youth curse cured it.

UPDATE March 2024: To comply with Patreon's new stance with NSFW rules, this post was censored - removed two pictures




I absolutely love this one, those boobs are so massive and lovely. Please tell me there is more in the archive so we can enjoy her having sex in that body?