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Time for some news!

Marbleous 2.0 is coming along and I have some print screens to show you. No color and some pixelation not to reveal everything.

This is the new software I acquired last month to help me out. Purple Easter was the first comic made with it and the learning project. I still do some post work on Inkscape (effects, lines, that sort of thing) , but this streamlines the process much better. Inkscape lacks multi-page support, this solves the question. Not perfect but good enough on the panelling and multi-page side of things.

Where it is standing:

- Intro is almost finished, need to re-render some panels

- first act complete layout done - some effects need to be added

- break not rendered yet

- second act rendered only, need to do layout

- third act/conclusion still not rendered yet also.

I can see on the poll (by the way if you did not voted please do) that pin-ups are not very high on the content desire list therefore I will dial a little back and only do it once a week so that I can speed up the comics releases. Conclusions about the poll will be made next week after it finishes.

Friday the Adam and Eve Comic will be launched on my DA, that is a 'Simple comic release with no extras', you don't need to purchase it again because you already have access to the full content plus extras. That is just for my followers that want the comic but don't want Patreon. The preview version is 1/4th the resolution of the Portuguese version and censored. Just a heads up.

And this is all for this weeks news (sorry I forgot last week). Thanks for your support!




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