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I have been struggling with this scene for a while and had two critical PC crashes, forcing me to restart after losing the animation data.  I have decided to put this on the shelf and do more videos with tongues, bums and sucks.   

I will still do a scene with 2 girls and 1 guy but not a scene as complex as the scene I tried to do.

I do not like quitting but this time, I must.
When I have a better computer and more time I will revisit this
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This is the scene as I am leaving it.
No sound, not finished, low frame-rate

Sorry guys.




While it sucks that the scene kinda broke on you multiple times, I will always enjoy more big, floppy tongues, and more sloppy blowjobs :3


Np man, we still love u <3


How exactly do you do so that the movement of the neck, of the head, moves so smoothly and seems real, I need to know :(


Here. I have a tutorial for the Director Tier. The neck is following the target of a LookAt object. You move a red balll and the next follows it.


This may be my favorite Faye clip!! Heaven on earth!!!!