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Barbara is taking a short break whilst the guys continue to work outside on the night shift.

I am still playing with Barb's hair and face as I want her hair to be flowing and move more. I have had an idea to manipulate an existing hair piece and make the hair longer so that it has the same cool flowing physics!

I will make new scenes with Barb very soon and hope this is a good start!!
Watch short movie
2560 x1440

Sorry guys/girls for the update delay. I had a tummy bug and have been in bed a couple days - all better!!!! :-]



Durge Dagger

Very well done mah gud sir!


Such a fun scene! Glad to hear you're feeling better too! :)


Oh i like this one alot m8. Rly nice butt movement 👏😍


Very nice indeed. I really like this one.