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Hey everyone, here are the download links for PC version 0.17!

If you have any issues or the game crashes please read the FAQ here: captain-hardcore.com/faq

This update focuses on expanding male customisation options to bring them up to a similar level of detail as the female characters. There's 23 new skin presets, 29 face presets and 140 face and body morph sliders.

I've also included 10 new male hairstyles and 16 items of clothing! This means you can create much more varied male characters and design them right down to the finest details!

0.17 is actually a milestone in the development of Captain Hardcore, it's the final part of stage one on the road map and the main character customisation options are now completed.

Next I'll be focusing on stage two which includes facial expressions, dynamic reactions, the orgasm/pleasure system, more interactive toy integrations and gameplay systems. I'll also continue to add new assets such as hairstyles, clothing, toys and devices.

The next update will be for Quest standalone and I'm now planning what to include. It'll be interesting to experiment with the new mixed reality features of Q3!

Thank you everyone for the incredible support! 👽👽👽

Full change list:

  • NEW: 23 new male skin pre-sets!
  • NEW: 29 new male face pre-sets!
  • NEW: Over 140 new male morph sliders!
  • NEW: 10 new male hairstyles!
  • NEW: 16 new male clothing items!
  • NEW: 2 new short female hairstyles.
  • NEW: Adjust camera movement speed in desktop mode by scrolling with the mouse wheel while holding right mouse button.
  • Improved: Added thrusting command to the Lovense integration for the Gravity toy.
  • FIXED: UI bug when resetting morphs.
  • FIXED: Issue with the male jaw physics constraint.

Known issues: There's a bug with the scalp material when spawning an "AI Character". Use any of the other character pre-sets instead. Some of the new male face shapes don't have accurate lip collision yet.



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I used to back Operation Lovecraft but it went off the rails and the devs started doing crazy stuff with it (removing Vr, turning it into a bizarre microtransaction game). This game just gets it right though - no nonsense and loads of cool tools and stuff to play with. I hope you keep this level of communication and consistency!


why is the File Mail version 1.5GB larger than the other two?

Hell himself

Men this is the level of a triple a game


I am unable to extract it says the nowindowspak is bad


cant even get the game to appear in my library and have yet to receive any assistance regarding the issues im having after multiple days of attempting to reach out

Pat Kel

Maybe switch out of using a file downloader that makes you wait 6 hours to finish downloading. MEGA is a joke.

ZuDynamite Entertainment

When are you going to do Passthrough for PC version dude I've been waiting for a year, subcribe to you almost every month


you can already do that with a custom scene in the discord and virtual desktop