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Hey everyone! PC update 0.13 is now available to download!

Get it here!

This features an early version of the core gameplay mechanics - procedurally generated levels and enemy AI. One of your crew members is held captive on board the Broken Core. Their exact location is unknown, but a distress signal has been detected somewhere on deck 8.

There's also 10 new hairstyles, these are much better for performance than the simulated hair and I believe look much better. They are work in progress and do not have physics enabled yet, but a future update will add physics simulation with hand and object collision!


Gameplay changes:

NEW: Large procedural space station with 8 floors. Each level is randomly generated when you play it. Use the elevator to reach the next floor. If you die you'll start back at the first floor (unless you die in the final wave of enemies on deck 8), but this might change later.

NEW: Enemy AI (with voice acting) - finally something to shoot and kill! The Self-Aware Science Bot was originally created as a science robot, these little fuckers have malfunctioned and gained sentience. They're now noticeably more... unstable.

NEW: Dynamic enemy spawning system for spawning waves of enemies.

NEW: Credits pick up - dropped by enemies or found when looting containers.

NEW: Health pick up - dropped by enemies or found when looting containers.

NEW: Player health system and death screen.

NEW: Wrist HUD display for VR which displays health, credits and map data for the current area.

NEW: Mini map and world map with fog of war that's revealed as you explore. In desktop mode hold R to see the full map. In VR the map is mounted on your wrist, you can glance at it to see what's nearby or aim at it with the laser pointer to expand and see the whole level.

NEW: Map marker system that displays important locations such as elevators and vending machines etc.

NEW: Vending machine that sells supplies. Currently only sells health packs but designed to add more items later.

NEW: Currency system, player can collect credits and use them at the vending machine to purchase supplies.

NEW: Lootable lockers and chests.

NEW: Exploding barrels.

NEW: Teleporter that can take you on board other ships.

NEW: Added music for space travel and the galaxy map.

FIXED: Gun clips through walls in desktop mode.

FIXED: Gun projectiles are spawning behind the gun in VR causing them to sometimes collide with the gun or players hand.

FIXED: VR keyboard is still visible after selecting a new object.

FIXED: If you press ESC when in the settings menu the game un pauses but the menu is still visible.

Improved: Galaxy map destinations are now easier to click.

Improved: Plasma pistol projectile velocity increased.

Known issue: Occasionally an enemy will play a voice line after dying.

Known issue: Credits and ship location do not save yet.

Known Issue: Occasionally map markers are not removed when they should be. Markers are too small in VR mode.

Known Issue: Lighting needs to be optimised, if you have problems with frame rate try reducing shadows and other graphical settings.

Known Issue: Changing from VR mode to desktop mode causes the fog of war to reset and mini map to disappear.

Sandbox changes:

NEW: 10 new hair styles (plus bald option). These are work in progress and do not have physics enabled yet, but a future update will add physics simulation with hand and object collision! I'm also hoping to port these to Quest, but can't say for sure yet, as hair is much trickier on mobile due to the lower rendering and performance capabilities. My hope is that at least some will work well on Quest. I'll add even more hair in the future, but wanted to do these now as it's been highly requested for a long time.

NEW: Controllable restraint machine with adjustable arms. Characters hands and feet will automatically be restrained when placing them in the gravity beam generators. (Must be unlocked by completing the broken core mission).

NEW: "Broken Core" environment for the Cyber Masturbatorium. (Must be unlocked by completing the broken core mission).

NEW: Added "None" animation - use this instead of the default idle to help keep scenes lined up.

FIXED: Improved the wooden bench collision in the fantasy dungeon.

FIXED: Light radius not saving.

Improved: Morph values are displayed when adjusting them.


Captain Hardcore - 0.13 Gameplay Concept Build

Captain Hardcore is an adult VR and non-VR game set in the darkest reaches of the universe. The latest build features an early version of the core gameplay mechanics - procedurally generated levels and enemy AI. One of your crew members is held captive on board the Broken Core. Their exact location is unknown, but a distress signal has been detected somewhere on deck 8. 👽 Download the game and help support development: https://www.patreon.com/CaptainHardcore Twitter: https://twitter.com/AntiZero2 Insta: https://www.instagram.com/antizerogames/ Website: https://captain-hardcore.com/





oculus standalone too?

LuigiPlayerTwo I Mallbert

This update looks so amazing! I will immediately download it and play it omfg!


Holy shit did I pledge at the right time or what.


Friend of mine just recommended this to me, so happy I pledged at the right time ^^ Can't wait to play!


How about cheat codes for those of us who hate first person shooters.


There will be a way to unlock everything with cheats, didn't have time to add it to this build but it's planned


Hi. I just joined to take a look at the demo version, it looks beautiful, but I can't find anything to do except walk around the ship. Every active feature is locked. (That I've found). Am I missing something? Or is the demo literally just a walk around the ship?


can you add it so you as the player has a dick?


I second this, if character avatars are possible; even if just a simple one, it'd add a lot more immersion.


Not real thrilled with this update. None of my old scenes are listed if I use this version. Also looked forward to the update but not happy with the whole, "We've got great new content but you have to play through eight levels of an aspect of the game you don't care about before we'll let you use it."


Amazing work as always. Actually excited to shoot some stuff up and get an idea of what your vision for a possible story will be. Keep it up.


add a new outfit to oculus please


Please add saves for each floor... Playing with laggy VR and motionsickness makes it an horrible experience to try to unlock the new content.

Nate V.

I would love an alternate way to unlock the new content, or saves on the different deck levels. I'm really impressed by the shooting portion of the game, I think it's well done, but I'm not able to get through all 8 levels in one sitting.


Are we going to have to wait 6 months until the next update or will we actually get to use all the features sooner?


Thank you, the aim here was to work out the core shooting mechanics and overall concept first, then let people play it and see what changes are needed. I think I'll add a difficulty setting and an option to unlock everything without completing the missions in the next update.


Meanwhile those of us that aren't fans of first person shooters are screwed as far as the new content until the next update. So we've waited six months for some new hairstyles.

Nate V.

Any tips on beating deck 8 would be much appreciated. I've played all the way up to deck 8 twice now, only to get destroyed by the alarm. Really excited about unlocking the new content!


Don't stand still, the bots are less likely to hit you if you're constantly moving and strafing. If you die on deck 8 you should respawn just before the alarm, not back at the start.


I went through all 8 levels tonight it said I unlocked things but they are nowhere to be found? I went back thinking I could go straight to deck 8 again after beating it and it started me like I hadn't done anything. do you have to beat all 8 levels to play with the restraint machine? If so is there a way to interact in any way with the crew member or load one of your old crew into the machine for some "insubordination training"? Thank you.

Nicky Rose

if i pledged for Asstronaut build on v 0.12 and later canceled membership. When 0.13 now released i pledged for a lower tier i just got the demo+, is this correct ?


afaik, correct. Only with the highest tier you keep getting updates even if you cancel at some point.

Tony Stark

This is not 100% correct, you only need to pledge to download the CURRENT version available (Quest, Windows, demo, ETC), then most users (like me) cancel the pledge so it doesn't take out the same amount monthly. BUT once you cancel the pledge, it removes the downloads, comments, ETC., (also upgrades in the future wont be available) - at the end of the month (assuming you cancelled the pledge). Once the current month lapses (the calendar month you pledged in, that's your month of access), assuming you didn't re-pledge, you lose all download/comment access BUT NOT the downloaded APK/game. You keep those pledged downloaded games forever and they work forever assuming you didn't delete it or anything. You ONLY need to pledge again (same tier if you want the same options the tier has - I use Asstronaut), to get FUTURE downloads, AKA upgrades, new versions ETC. while retaining the same level of tier options you chose (you can use a lower tier for upgrades if that's the question, BUT you WONT retain the SAME TIER'd options from the month prior, assuming you go lowered down the tier and they are no longer the same level). The pledging system is great, but it auto-renews itself which I don't like, so typically, I pay for ONLY the month (re-pledge again) when there's an updated Quest APK or Windows version (I use both on my Quest 2).


So if I delete an animation for a character on a sandbox scene, all other characters will stop.


Well executed but extremly barebones, too much fluff, but no gameplay, the sandbox yes, its great, but i was hoping some progression gameplay, like u tried with the station, but to play 8(should be 4 max, and regen them to get another girl) levels, to get that girl (didnt managed to it, since i use the teleporter at the end and it reseted of course). Also the UI is so freaking confusing, no basic tutorial. Lots of work to do on this one, good performance and graphics, the rest years of works ahead. Good luck and thanks!


Thanks for the feedback, keep in mind the gameplay is a prototype and only contains the most important core systems for now - these will be expanded once the gameplay loop has been solidified.