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Hey everyone,

First of all: Sorry this update has taken longer than usual. After everything that's happened the last couple of years with covid, and also being unable to find a new place to live recently I was feeling increasingly burned out. After Christmas I had to cut back my hours to recover and make some healthy changes to the way I work, which has helped enormously. I'm now back to full speed and update 0.12 is just around the corner. 

I've created these roadmaps to show everyone the overall development process from start to finish for both the PC and Quest versions. They explain what's coming in the future and the order in which things will progress, broken down into stages. This isn't a complete list of features, so not everything is on there but it gives you a good idea of where things are heading!

What's new in update 0.12?

- Character hand posing and physics -

I'll begin by showing you the new hand posing system - Hands now have selectable poses like grasp, one finger, two fingers etc. There's also a slider to control the strength of the pose for each hand. Hands now have accurate physics so they can interact with toys and other characters bodies, including genitals and mouths. This opens up lots of new possibilities when creating scenes!

- Spawnable cameras and screens -

Cameras can be animated or attached to any object in the scene, and the screens can be scaled and placed wherever you like so you can view the action from different angles in VR. They can also be used to take photos in VR. In desktop mode the cameras can be possessed and flown around like the current camera system. You can set up multiple angles and switch between them easily with the mouse or arrow keys.

- Lactation -

New fluid settings for breast milk - make their tits leak slowly or grab them to make them squirt. This can be toggled on/off per character. Unfortunately it's difficult to show this without breaking Patreons rules on nudity in public posts!

I'm putting the final touches to 0.12 now and expect to be done really soon, more will be revealed when it's ready!

Thank you everyone 👽




This is great stuff. I wish there was user mods somewhere on that roadmap. As in, I was thinking about taking a shot at some AI and this game would be perfect. Instead I'm studying how to that in VaM, which I already see is far from suited to be an interactive experience ... And generally, when people can do their thing with the game, that builds some serious community. No wonder you are burning out mate, when you are literally (or virtually, which is the same as literally in the context) bearing the whole world on your shoulders :-)


Good to have you back! I was almost starting to get worried. Roadmap looks solid, I do agree with Miroslav, user mods would totally rock, although we would probably see some sick stuff happening (which is both good and bad, I'm looking at you Blades and Sorcery) I am also very curious about how the base gameplay will tie in with the possible interactions! Please keep taking good care of yourself and don't forget to have fun!

Dark4Soul .

dont wanna be that guy that asks for more stuff, but early on in the dev you said you're planning on adding futa models. is that still the case?


Yes, still planning to eventually. I'll probably start testing it out once I get to stage 2. There'll be a mission on a planet to unlock it if you want to.


The camera/screen thing sounds interesting but i dont think that my system can handle it :/


It can be performance heavy in VR but I've included a quality setting so you should be able to spawn at least one camera on a lower powered machine


When you do these updates do you ever touch up on previous features you’ve added? Also I’m really looking forward to the gameplay :)


Any chance you'll make it so the objects are easier to use in the people? I'd love to see more depth with insertion, and to be able to insert objects when they are sized up larger than default.


Hi, thanks for the suggestion, they are always appreciated. I can't be too specific on very specific details like that, but refinements in current features will be made along the way.


Helloes! This looks really nice, any info about the date the new quest standalone is downloadable? :o)


NIce roadmap! Just wondering, where it says Toys/devices/other objects... are we gettin sex machines? as in furniture type machines we can use on characters? Dont mind me , just planning a bdsm dungeon alien girl business within the galaxy..*cough*


Hi, thanks for the suggestion, I haven't decided what specific ones I will add yet, but that's a good idea.


Plans for futa?


Gameplay will be awesome, but I am most looking forward to the Stage 2 Character AI. I have a few other VR Games (Villain Simulator, VRParadise, Operation Lovecraft, SinVR, Viro Playspace). They all have various things their characters do to make them more interactive; but none of them compare to Captain Hardcore's customizations or realistic graphics.


Is it possible to add our own character from .var format?