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Mega: DOWNLOAD HERE (if you see a message about not enough bandwidth continue anyway, it should still work)



Hey everyone! Here are the download links for PC version 0.11!

If you have any issues or the game crashes please read the FAQ here: captain-hardcore.com/faq

This update contains some of the first gameplay systems: Space travel, galaxy map, plasma pistol and the shuttlecraft. There's also a new Giant mode for characters and customisable fluid colours.

For the first time you can use the shuttle to leave the ship, land on Planet X and explore an alien world.

Once the main sandbox mechanics are finished development will shift more to gameplay and content, so new devices, clothing, hair etc will be added alongside gameplay updates which will gradually introduce the mechanics.

Quest will have an update next, including a new ship environment and more features from the PC version.

Thank you everyone for the incredible support!! 👽

NEW: Space travel - select a destination in the galaxy map and the ship will take you there using its hyperspace drive.

NEW: Galaxy map - Open the map from the computer screen in the bridge. You can use it to travel between locations. The ship can jump a maximum of 300 light years and you can select any destination within range. The galaxy is small for now but it'll grow once more of the gameplay systems are built.

NEW: Scanner module - Used from the computer screen in the bridge, it'll reveal any nearby waypoints for the shuttle, more functions and waypoints will be added later!

NEW: Shuttle that can take you down to planet surfaces. Once you've scanned the area and found a landing site you can use the shuttle in the hangar at the rear of the ship to descend to the planet's surface. To return to the ship just get back in the shuttle and press launch.

NEW: Demo planet environment (Planet X). This small planet area was created to develop the look and feel of an alien planet environment.

NEW: Plasma pistol (VR mode only). This is the first weapon, there's not much to shoot at yet but you can practice your aim with the bottles in the bar (don't shoot your crew members!) This is still work in progress, I've not decided how ammo will work yet so for now it has unlimited ammo. Desktop support is almost finished and will be in the next build.

NEW: Weapon/Item selection menu (Opened by holding B on the right Index controller or A on Oculus). Time is slowed down while the menu is open.

NEW: Customise pee and cum colour.

NEW: Scale slider for all toys.

NEW: Giant mode - this can be enabled on all characters and most toys. It increases the sliders range so you can create giant characters and toys!

NEW: Added footstep sounds for walking on dirt.

Improved: Characters now scale from their feet instead of the middle of their body, this stops them getting stuck in the ground when making them larger.

Improved: ESC key now closes the main menu in desktop mode.

Improved: Some tweaks to the Vive wand controls.

Improved: Disabled teleport while in POV mode.

FIXED: Large characters have their feet stuck in the ground when spawned.

FIXED: Player falling into space when loading some scenes.

FIXED: Some minor audio bugs.

FIXED: Login issue caused by a bug in Patreons API.

FIXED: Added "Intel OpenSSL Fix.bat" inside the FluidGame directory. If you experience crashes on an Intel 10/11th gen processor then running the game through this file instead of the .exe should fix it.

Known issues: The collision settings UI can get screwed up when giant mode is enabled, but auto collision is still working.


7.58 GB file on MEGA



Keep up the great work! I want to see adult VR industry thrive.


how good of a pc do i need to run the pc version? Im on a more low end pc, 4g of RAM, 115g of storage space etc.


https://captain-hardcore.com/faq/ tldr, a potato like that might be able to run desktop mode on lowest settings, but I doubt it.


hello so I'm just wondering if I'm only trying to play on the quest do I only download the links under the Quest downloads link button? and do I download all the links or just the mega one?


Hi, yes just the links under Quest downloads for the standalone Quest game. The links other than Mega are just alternative download sites.


Can't go anywhere nothing shows up on the galaxy map


How do you window the game? It always launches on the wrong monitor.


Fatal error. Using Nvidia 3080. Worked previously with my sli 970's. Any suggestions. Thanks and keep up the good work. Also I tried versions 0.8 and 0.9 and also fatal error.


I have been unable to play this game for a while because it makes me motion sick. This has gotten worse each time I play it (even though I don't think that is strictly the game's fault). The main reason for this is that, with my Vive Cosmos (which has very different controllers from the Vive) I cannot get the thumb-sticks to work in snap mode.


Fatal error for me as well, 3070 with a 3800x


wait there is actually gameplay? This is not what I thought I paied for xDD Lets have a look!


Getting a 520 error trying to activiate.


keep crashing when activating key


Hi, if you are running a 10th/11th Intel CPU then running this file in your install directory should fix your problem: Captain Hardcore 0.11\FluidGame\Inel OpenSSL Fix.bat


Hellooo, im new to the VR stuff and after downloading, it asks how do u want to open this file? and idk what to do ;-;


Hi, the file is a .rar archive, you need to extact it using a program like WinRAR. The guide here: https://captain-hardcore.com/faq/ tells you all you need to know.


is there a rift version or just a guest version


i just got the free demo when i downloaded even though i payed


oh... too low tier




The Rift should work with the PC version of the game. Please follow the PC install instructions. https://captain-hardcore.com/faq/


How do we visit other planets? How do we use yhe space station?


why cant i play it on my quest ??


Hello. I'm new to this game. I downloaded this file and unzipped it. When I open the unzipped folder and clicked on the game to run, nothing happens. Not sure what I have done wrong, maybe my pc is not strong enough. if anyone can help me, I would appreciate it. I have gone through the FAQ as well. I am trying to run the game without VR currently.


Hi, you need the Quest version 0.6 to play standalone on your Quest. https://www.patreon.com/posts/quest-v0-6-links-58359207 Or you can play this version (0.11) with a link cable and a powerful enough PC with the Quest.


Hi, could you direct message me what your system specs are. Make sure you have tried turning off your firewall and antivirus in case that is blocking it.


Hey just pledge and i have an issue : fatal error occurs when launching FYI : im using Z590 Board so I tried disabling ethernet but still fatal error :'( any other idea ? thanks in advance


Hi, could you try running this file in your install directory, hopefully it should fix your problem: Captain Hardcore 0.11\FluidGame\Inel OpenSSL Fix.bat


Hello AntiZero. I have wrote you a private message... :-)


Hi, it sounds like you might have a 10th/11th gen intel cpu? Could you try running this file in your install directory: Captain Hardcore 0.11\FluidGame\Inel OpenSSL Fix.bat


Excuse me. How can I get quest (APK) version? This one is for PC. Previous had an .exe file. So I can`t get it to my Quest 2 directly


Hi, the post for the Quest download is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58359207 And the installation guide is here: https://captain-hardcore.com/how-to-sideload-captain-hardcore-on-quest-1-and-2/


I played your tech demo and must say, you have a solid foundation to build on ( from a tech/execution perspective).


Crashes every time i enter the product key :( any ideas on fix?


If you have a 10th.11th gen Intel CPU this can happen. If you run the file: Captain Hardcore 0.11\FluidGame\Inel OpenSSL Fix.bat in your install directory, then this should fix your problem.


The game runs perfect mouse or VR. The only personal issue is that it looks so real and the motion is so fluid and amazing. I am getting sick and have headaches. This is just so immersive and awesome. The best graphics and movement of any game I have played on VR. I love it and just have to get used to the total emersion. I have nothing negative to say about the game


i downloaded "stand alone". and cant open from my quest.. pls he


Is it safe to say that this is currently just a scene poser? I haven't found much to do except position the characters and add some items.


It is a Great game but one essential thing is missing: tongue animation for every character. If this is going to be added in the future, some animations to choose from with a speed slider would be just fine :)


Congrats to the pc homies cant wait to see some new shit in the discord. Work those bugs out for the quest homies.


I installed SideQuest but there is a step for mobile phone settings which is weird since I'm installing this on PC. Not sure if SideQuest sees my Oculus either. When I try to install your apk I get this error:A task failed. Check the tasks screen for more info. FluidGame-Android-Shipping-arm64.apk: FluidGame-Android-Shipping-arm64.apk: Apk install failed - No device connected! The quest part is not the part of the main game that I downloaded right? Sorry but completely lost with this SideQuest thing, seems so complicated...oh and I do have a developer account from before.


Oh and I have an Oculus Rift (the original one) do I need a Quest for this?


Hi, your Rift is not compatible with the standalone version. You need the Full PC version (0.11.1, links on this post). If you follow this PC installation guide on the FAQ page then that should work for you. https://captain-hardcore.com/faq/


I can run the normal version fine (that 13gb one I think) but I couldn't get the quest (2gb) to run. Or did I already get everything in the normal version and don't need the quest?


Yes you have every feature available if you are playing the full PC version. The Quest version is so you can play the game without a PC, but it has less features.


Oh ok then! Thought I was missing something since I don't see any clothes (at least for guys), and didn't see any way to start a story other then load does preanimated scenes. When will guys receive voices and maybe get more of them? :)


Can you update quest to this version please?


Hi, both versions of the game are in continual development, but the Quest version takes longer to make progress with because of the limitations of the hardware.


What can I do in this game? I just see a few corridors with zero interactivity :( I support this game for quite a while and had no chance to see any gameplay :(


bruh you can do so much just look up a video therse tons out there


I did, several times (with some older versions too) but all I was able to achieve is walking around space station, It looks cool but I was hoping to see something else :(


Ah, found you can fly some places using Galaxy Map found on one of the walls and land one planet (but there is nothing to do there except some jumping), that's it I guess.


I wish you had fleshed out the original concept of the game before adding the new ideas. Worlds to explore, stuff to do, and other game mechanics are great....after you have fleshed out the part of the game that brought us here.


Unable to launch this game. I keep getting "Could not start FluidGame CreateProces() returned 2"


Hi, this usually happens if permissions are not granted or if the download is corrupt. Could you try deleting your download, then re-downloading and extracting the game contents again with a program like 7zip. Try running the pre-requisites too, it is detailed on the FAQ page here: https://captain-hardcore.com/faq/


I get the same thing. Please help us fix this.


game crashes when i enter patreon link.. any fix??


Hi, it sounds like you may have an intel 10th/11th gen. If you run the following file it should work for you. Captain Hardcore 0.11\FluidGame\Inel OpenSSL Fix.bat This is also detailed in the FAQ: https://captain-hardcore.com/faq/