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Hey everyone! PC update v0.10 is now available!

This update adds hand physics and improved character collision. Hands cup the breasts and ass cheeks realistically and fingers can be inserted into the mouth, pussy and ass. You can also grab the dick or strap-on.

I've also made a lot of improvements to overall usability and added important features such as adjustable dick length, animation recording in desktop mode, voice volume and pitch controls and a lot more. 

Check out the full change list below!

For the next PC update I'll continue to work on the main sandbox and character systems. Gameplay is also being worked on and hopefully I'll be able to share some of this soon! I'll now be focused on the next Quest update which should be ready some time next month.

Also some information about the final release: Once the game is completed it'll be for sale on Steam (as long as they approve it) and other stores which are to be confirmed. Everyone that has an accumulated pledge the same or higher than the purchase price will receive a full copy of the completed game (the final price is TBC but likely to be around $40). I will add this information to all the tiers and main Patreon page once the Steam page is up and running!

Thank you all so much for the incredible support! For science! 👽👽👽

v0.10 Change log:

NEW: Hand physics (enable in the settings menu) - you can now insert your fingers into the mouth, pussy and ass and grab the dick or strapon. Hands will cup the breasts and ass realistically and while skin collision isn't perfect all over yet this improves interaction and immersion a lot!

NEW: Breasts and ass collision is a lot more accurate and adjusts automatically with the morphs. This fixes the problem where large or small breasts would have a lot of clipping or collide with objects that are not touching them. Auto adjustment should work well in most cases but it's not quite perfect yet. There's some sliders in the misc menu that can be used to fine tune if needed (disable auto adjust collision to see them). There are areas of the body that still need work (mainly the legs) but this is a big improvement and I will work on improving it further!

NEW: Record animations in desktop mode using mouse movements. Select an IK point, toy or other object and press R to start recording. All movements will then be recorded until you press R again to stop. It's possible to create natural looking movements but with less freedom than in VR.

NEW: Vive trackers can be attached to all objects including toys, so you can strap a tracker to your waist and use it to control a virtual dick.

NEW: All object and IK attachments now save with the scene.

NEW: Patreon login system. This is set up so that if you upgrade your tier it'll automatically unlock the relevant content and you won't need to re-download the entire game. If you downgrade or unsubscribe you'll always be able to play the last version you had access to.

NEW: 5 new makeup textures.

NEW: Scene load button that takes you straight to the load menu.

NEW: Quick save/load feature. In VR press and hold the save or load buttons for 1 second to quickly save or re-load the current scene. In desktop mode press F1 to quick save and F2 to quick load.

NEW: Sort scenes by name, new or old. This is useful when you want to keep the most recently saved scenes at the top of the list.

NEW: Dick length can now be adjusted.

NEW: Voice volume and pitch controls.

NEW: Filter character presets by male or female. Male and female are now saved in separate folders.

NEW: Sort character presets by name, new or old.

NEW: Delete character preset button.

NEW: Number of scenes is displayed at the top of the scene menu.

NEW: Scene date and time are now displayed when hovering a scene.

NEW: Independent settings for smooth locomotion, teleport and snap turning to give you better choice of movement type.

NEW: Change the field of view when using the scene thumbnail camera by scrolling with the mouse or pressing up/down on the thumbstick in VR.

NEW: Added a red glowing sphere when recording an animation to make it clearer that something is being recorded.

NEW: Added new character presets and updated some of the old ones.

Improved: The VR menu tabs now highlight when selected.

Improved: Character name is now pre entered in the text box when saving a character.

Improved: Dick erection and veins sliders have been moved to the morphs tab.

Improved: Reduced default dick length.

Improved: Player now always faces the right direction when opening the scene menu or when opening a new environment or scene.

FIXED: Attach system now works correctly.

FIXED: Long stuttering when opening the load scene menu. Instead of loading the entire list of scenes at once it now loads just the first 20 and more are loaded as you scroll. Images are now loaded asynchronously to improve performance.

FIXED: Changed the way the character preset list is created to prevent stuttering and other issues when having a lot of characters.

FIXED: The "IK Enabled" checkbox is back.

FIXED: Player spinning around uncontrollably when standing on physics enabled objects.

FIXED: Animation timeline UI is now disabled while recording an animation, this stops the player from clicking pause/rewind or scrolling through the animation at the same time as recording which can cause some strange bugs.

FIXED: Scenes saved in the ship after pressing the exit button in the CM are sometimes loading the wrong environment.

FIXED: Stange physics issue when the ball gag is equipped.

FIXED: Lighting performance issue in the "floating in space" level.

FIXED: Pressing back to scene while using teleport locomotion sometimes causes the player to be stuck in the floor.

FIXED: Fixed an issue where it was possible for the fluid emitters to affect  performance when they weren't being used.

FIXED: If you enter POV mode while using the desktop camera then the game is stuck in camera mode after leaving POV mode.

FIXED: If you equip a clothing item while the slot is hidden it will show the clothing but the slot remains hidden.

FIXED: Lock pose disables character light.

FIXED: When saving a scene in the ship the player does not spawn in their last location when taking a thumbnail screenshot.

FIXED: Bug where scene thumbnails sometimes failed to load.

FIXED: Vive tracker buttons should now work without having to bind them in Steam VR (need feedback on this to check if it's really fixed).

FIXED: Ambient occlusion setting not saving on restart.

FIXED: Disabled shadows on the thumbnail camera so it doesn't get in the way when taking a shot.

FIXED: Laser dot disappearing behind the scene menu.

FIXED: Sometimes the player is starting in the default location instead of the last saved location when opening a scene (90% sure this is fixed, need feedback).

FIXED: Head IK rotation not saving with the scene.

FIXED: Right hand toggle grab setting was not saving after restarting the game.

FIXED: Fixed an issue with the characters looking in an odd direction after loading a scene.

FIXED: Graphical glitch where fluids can become frozen and permanently stuck after deleting the Penetrator.

FIXED: When loading a new scene fluids from the previous scene are still visible and 'frozen' in the new scene.

Changed: The giantess scene has been moved temporarily, you can find it inside the Cyber Masturbatorium on the right of the scenes menu near the switch.

KNOWN ISSUES: I've had a lot of crash reports from people using Z590 motherboards recently. After a lot of detective work I've found this isn't a problem with my code or the login system, it's an issue that affects all UE4 games on this board for some reason. It's even affecting older versions of CH that don't have the login.

Some patrons are having the same problem in other games and I've seen similar reports online. I'm guessing it's a driver or BIOS thing so you can try updating those to see if it helps.

Something that fixes it for most people is disconnecting their ethernet, if you encounter a crash when logging in try disabling/disconnecting it and activate over Wifi instead.




Bravo sir


Nice work, but scene saving is absolutely messed up. Scenes with recordings get completely random orientaiton and movement when saved and return to scene.


I strongly suspect the Quest version will never end up on the Oculus store, what's the strategy behind that version? will you update it with latest bug fixes and it will stop there for a while ?


So my vive tracker won't appear in v.10. No problems in the last version. Any advice? Using an Index, launching via Steam. The tracker appears on my home screen but when I launch Captain Hardcore it disappears.


There's been a couple of reports of this, are you using Steam VR beta? Try using normal Steam VR instead as I heard this fixed it for someone else. I'll test my trackers and see if I can find the cause.


keep getting no valid tier error despite being an astronaut


Are there any plans for chicks with dicks (not a strapon)? Since this doesnt exist IRL I'd appreciate it a lot as the virtual way is the only way to experience it so far.


Hi I'm getting a authorization error


It'll never be in the Oculus store but there's other places I can release it when it's finished like itch.io. I'm working on a Quest update now which should be out next month.


Yes I did. Still got the error 😟


Yes it is


I've even tried using different browsers to get the code, still the same error.


There was an error on the server that's now been fixed, this should now be resolved for everyone.


Hello i am new here, i want to say that i am 100% happy about joing you guys. I just have 2 QOL things. 1) game keep starting on wrong monitor (not primary one) and there is no way to change that when i want to run it in fullscreen. 2) please add crouching to "walking/play" mode, you can bind it to "C" same as in most games. Thank you for consideration.


ive disabled my antivirus and tried using different browsers,i also connected my discord and i still get the error


1) Try using this shortcut: Windows + Shift + Left or right arrow key 2) I might add this in the future, still working on the player mechanics.


can i virtual desktop this to my Quest 2? I'm new to trying pcvr. I've tried the quest 2 version but wanted to try the PC Version


how do i access the Quest 2 version? im an Asstronaut level. thanks...


You can find it here: https://www.patreon.com/CaptainHardcore?filters[tag]=Quest%20download%20link