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  • SciWeaponTest.mp4
  • SciWeaponTest2.mp4



I'm gonna assume that over 75% of you guys won't like this, since it's like... Not really porn or anything, it's literally just snuff. But it's an effect I've wanted to try my hand at for a long time, and I finally decided to give it a shot.  (No pun intended.)

It's basically just a Star Trek-style vaporizing effect, as seen in some of the films. (The original films, not the Dogshit modern ones)

So, if you're into this sort of thing, enjoy. If not, probably don't watch it. But fear not, vore stuff coming soon. I'll post some wips tomorrow to balance this out.

I honestly don't know at this point if Patreon will wanna take this down, I did read through the guidelines twice and it doesn't really violate any of them, so... Here's hoping they don't take this one  down. 



Lyra Paw

We of the 25% appreciate it ❤️


you could alter it to dismemberment as a part of an assembly line per say, or just a cruel joke someone wants to pull on a ritzy snooty bimbo