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If any of you have been around for a REALLY long time, you might remember this character here. g4 :: Pumpkin Spice Mutt by SunsetSarsaparilla (aryion.com)

Recently after seeing some incredibly good CV images from (Like this g4 :: 27 by GoatJeph (aryion.com)) I wanted to do some CV myself. Sorry for those of you who aren't into that. But I wanted to give it a shot, and I needed a character who had the 'gear' to perform that kind of act. So, I decided to bring back that Pumpkin-spice colored Doggie from like... Pretty much the drawing that started this whole thing for me. For a long time I would do like, a couple drawings a year, and they were very inconsistent. But after I drew that, I started drawing a LOT more often. Which ended up being almost once a day for a while there. That lead to learning to animate, which lead to learning Blender, which lead to this. So now we've come full circle.

No promises on when the animation will come out, Probably not this month for sure. Maybe next month. In the mean time, enjoy these renders and wips. 

