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Gonna try this sorta poll thing again, I know I didn't actually DO it last time, but I wanna let you guys sorta pick what YOU wanna see from an animation. I can't promise it'll be a crazy animation with full sound or anything, but I do wanna see what you guys would be into.

Unlike last time, where it was kinda confusing with every option on just one poll, I'm gonna make a couple of these, one for choosing the pred, one for choosing prey, and probably one for choosing the prey position.

So first up is the Pred Poll. I've put all the big preds on here, as well as Macro and Micro options if you wanna see one of my regular characters as pred. If you choose one of those, make sure to leave a comment for which character you'd actually like to see as the pred.

I'll have everyone pick their top TWO options this time, and we'll see where that leaves us.

EDIT: Shit I totally forgot plant/Mimic, guys. Comment for plant/mimic.



Macro pred or Normal sized pred with that pink haired dog boy please :)


Voted micro, hoping to see Mutt as a pred again!

Gabriel Cannizzo

tbh i wouldnt make this kind of poll for pred cuz it might end up being the same vote every time if you put all those, like i would of loved t rex again or orca where people pick something i dont like at all On the vote i take t rex but i would also vote for Mimic, we need more endless depth mimic getting fed uwu


I second this, as there are some things I just do NOT want, and seeing people vote for something I absolutely loathe would make me probably just leave. Why stay if the votes and thus the direction are something I don't want? If the previous winning vote is removed from the next vote then maybe this could work...

Sunlight Swift

I think its good as a periodic reference to gage the audience's appeal when deciding what content to make and how to prioritize. I agree it wouldn't be good for all animations to do this with. What would be cool is if the votes could be carried to the next poll. If say option A got 6 votes and option B got 11 votes. Then next poll option A starts with 6 and option B is reset to 0 because it was used. Then it could be like running counters instead of all resetting to 0 each time


Which is probably what I’ll do with the polls. Believe me this is not gonna be an every day thing, I haven’t done one in like 7 months, and probably won’t do another one for several months as well. And to be fair, people seem to be voting for something completely different than the last time I did a poll. And I mean… as far as people not liking a certain thing, that’s kinda par for the course with an artist like me, because what I do is so varied, people are obviously gonna like some things and hate other things I do.